Backstrap Assassin
First off sorry that the picturea are not the best, they were taken with my phone. So here goes the stories. Two years in a row now my dad has taken down two very nice bucks out of the same stand. November 23, 2010, he took a very nice 8 pointer. He was sitting in the stand and it was about 9:30. At this point he had rattled in 6 bucks that morning but nothing he wanted to pull back on. He was getting ready to get out of the stand for the morning and all of the sudden the deer just came out of no where. With three bucks chasing these does all over his stand. The biggest one he could not get to stop for nothing. They ran off and he was sure they would not return. About an hour later he rattled again and too his surprise the big 8 stepped out of the cedars and gave him a 30 yard shot and he connected. Dandy deer! This past season December 2nd 2011 he gets another nice 8 pointer. The deer were just not moving like they usually would be. My dad had rattled some big big deer in during the rut but they just would not commit. Dad was pretty down. He had put in 50 consecutive days on stand and could not connect with a buck. All this changed on this day. Dad was dragging and I told him today might be the day, we got a good cold snap deer might be on their feet whats one more day before season closes for gun. So he goes out. I get a text at about 10:00 saying he shot a nice buck. A couple does walked by at first light nothing on them. A little while later a couple small bucks came through where the does had come from trailing the scent. Dads hopes were coming up a bit. So he rattled and got two bucks well worth shooting to respond but they would not commit the rest of the way. So now hes getting frustrated again. He sat there for a bit just hanging out and all of the sudden he heard his stand making noises and scratching sounds. He looks down and there is a Bobcat pawing on the stand. Dad doesnt know what to do about this, but finally the cat walks off. (That was a funny text from him!) So now he doesnt know what to do to stay or leave because he thinks maybe this cat has got some of the deer spooked a bit. He hasnt seen deer for awhile. But he decides to stick it out. Later he looks up to the cedars across the field and sees four does trotting down to him. Then behind them a nice 8 point and a couple small baskets. They came right in 20 yards and dad smokes the 8. What luck my dad has. Congrats to him!
2010 Buck.
2011 Buck
2010 Buck.
2011 Buck