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Lung, Liver, and other Lovely Recipe's?

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I was born without the sence of smell, so most of the foods I prefer are based on their textures. I prefer the taste of deer meat to beef and pork for this reason. The only other meat I really like is Lamb.

Deer heart is my favorite part of the deer, and I also just started eating the kidneys. I do eat the liver but I need a better recipe because it is too dry. My favorite liver to eat is actually snapping turtle liver. Very smooth.

Anybody got a recipe for eating Deer Lung? Ive never had it but when we get whole broasted chicken from walmart I dig in and pull the lungs and they are my favorite part.
I didnt realize they left the lungs in the bird. I raise broilers at home and we only keep the gizzard, heart, and neck
I move to IA from MI about 7 years ago and I'm exposed to a whole new world of whacko's!!! Man, you all eat some weird stuff and every day that goes by I get more grossed out the more I see! You all eat Chilled Monkey Brains, baby snakes or eye ball soup?!?!? :)
Well I leave all that crap out there for the coyotes to eat. Heart and lungs are usually destroyed, liver detoxifies to blood, kidneys filter out the toxins and makes urine...I can see where you all get the desire to eat that stuff. Its about like folks that eat hog, calf or turkey nutz....( I think liking those things folks either have a testosterone deficiency they are trying to fill or homosexual tendencies they are hiding from) Tell me you all are kidding about eating this stuff????
Chicken gizzard, heart and neck get chopped up into noodle soup. I can honestly say ive never eaten lung and I HATE liver! If the heart of the deer is still firm when gutted, it can be eaten. In my experience the heart is never good after laying in the deer for several hours (like overnight) and will turn soft or spongy. If it is soft upon harvest, it will get rubbery when cooked for soup.
Well I leave all that crap out there for the coyotes to eat. Heart and lungs are usually destroyed, liver detoxifies to blood, kidneys filter out the toxins and makes urine...I can see where you all get the desire to eat that stuff. Its about like folks that eat hog, calf or turkey nutz....( I think liking those things folks either have a testosterone deficiency they are trying to fill or homosexual tendencies they are hiding from) Tell me you all are kidding about eating this stuff????

LOL- good stuff shredder.

I have tried deer heart many time and it was OK. I will pass on the other stuff.;)
I have always liked beef tongue and when I was in was in Africa this fall I ate kudu and eland tongue. It tasted like beef tongue and after talking to a friend who said they used to eat deer tongue I decided to try it. I saved the tongue and heart of the first doe I shot this year and cooked them in a crock pot with a can of beef broth and some onions. It was delicious. Tasted just like beef tongue and heart.:way:
My field dressing kit encludes a oversized ziplock baggy full of hand towels. I cut the heart out and put it in there fresh along with the other organs I keep.

My wife chops the heart into quarters then boils the heart in a crockpot, then drains, and adds creme of mushroom soup. Its really tender and its my dads and my favorite. Be sure to cut the arteries out cause they have a nasty aftertaste.

I just read up on the toxins in liver and kidneys and your right, I guess I wont be eating any more of that! WOW
I like the taste of deer heart. We always save a few from shotgun season saturday and it gets made for lunch on sunday. That is the only organ I keep from deer and that is only once a year, but like I said, I think it is good. Also, our family used to eat "Rocky Mountain Oysters" when I was a kid. Weird that it only happened once a year. The day after we dehorned cattle. They were delicious. Never knew what they were til I grew up.
Greg - You are on a frickin roll this hunting season!!! Keep this crap up and I will cancel all magazine subscriptions, get rid of cable and burn all my books. I'm just going to sit around and read every single post you have ever written. Keep up the good work. This... is... AWESOME!!!!

Oh, and I threw up in my mouth when I read about eating their lungs.
For crying out loud Bickel, eating lung? Do you scrape the blood trail up and use it for dipping sauce too?! ;)
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I give several of my deer to an oriental family and they prefer I don't field dress them. They do eat the lungs but I don't know how they cook them.
Next thing you're going to tell me - you eat penis sandwiches and deep fried deer pellet poop. :)
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