New Member
This is my first season using a Lone Wolf hang on stand and climbing sticks. I've been noticing that the steps on the sticks are tending to get a little bit loose from use. By loose I don't mean like falling off, but loose enough that the step is easily flopped from side to side. It seems particularly prone to happening on the top steps of each stick. I've tried tighening down the bolts and that seems to help for a little while but eventually the step loosens up again. Maybe I'm making something out of nothing here, but was just curious if any of you guys who have used the sticks for several seasonss have experienced this. Maybe it's normal. It's not a safety issue, and the steps are nowhere even close to falling off or anything like that, but they do tend to flop from side to side when trying to pack them up. Annoying more than anything else - I guess. Any thoughts? Loctite?