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LW Climbing sticks - "loose" steps


New Member
This is my first season using a Lone Wolf hang on stand and climbing sticks. I've been noticing that the steps on the sticks are tending to get a little bit loose from use. By loose I don't mean like falling off, but loose enough that the step is easily flopped from side to side. It seems particularly prone to happening on the top steps of each stick. I've tried tighening down the bolts and that seems to help for a little while but eventually the step loosens up again. Maybe I'm making something out of nothing here, but was just curious if any of you guys who have used the sticks for several seasonss have experienced this. Maybe it's normal. It's not a safety issue, and the steps are nowhere even close to falling off or anything like that, but they do tend to flop from side to side when trying to pack them up. Annoying more than anything else - I guess. Any thoughts? Loctite?
Same here, I just leave them but continue to check them to make sure they're not about to flop off. Every few weeks I'll tighten them down again.
Same thing happening here, but only on one of my sticks. Maybe this could be an issue to bring up to LW? What I don't like about it is that the bracket on that end that grips the tree moves all over the place...doesn't make me feel to safe climbing on it. I always use that one as my bottom stick.
Would some low strength lock tight do the trick?
Just a thought.
I usually change out the locking nut out with a higher quality one and that seems to stop the problem
I haven't tried this yet but would it work to double-nut the bolt (longer bolt may be needed)?
Glad to hear that it's not just me who is experiencing this. In theory the bolt and nut should remain tight and rotate on the plastic washers. Sounds like the issue may rest with the nut slipping slightly. Shredder's idea of replacing the nut with a better quality locking nut may be a solution worth looking into since it sounds like that has fixed it for him.
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