PMA Member
Thought it would be interesting to hear any experiences with this that people may have had, or people they know. Sounds like it can get nasty. Maybe help with some awareness of it as it is getting to be that time of year.
This last Sunday, I discovered a very small tick, un-like the "usual" ticks that I find on myself, and it was latched on dangerously close to my left nipple... I pulled it off with some tweezers, and, knowing someone that's had lyme disease before, it kind of concerned me being that I was pretty sure it was a deer tick. The next day or two, it became red, started itching, was swelling a little bit and I could feel the pressure of it in my whole left peck/man-boob. I went to the doctor on Wednesday to get it checked out. They couldn't confirm it without blood tests, but, being that I came in early enough after possibly being exposed to it, they put me on 1500mg of Amoxicillin/day for 15 days and said that should take care of it.
I don't think i've ever had ticks on me this early in the year, but, the weekend before that, I pulled two ticks off of my dog already. I've also been swarmed by mosquitos already. Heck, I even caught a leopard frog in my yard the other day.. I can't believe how early it seems things are "coming back to life" this year.
This last Sunday, I discovered a very small tick, un-like the "usual" ticks that I find on myself, and it was latched on dangerously close to my left nipple... I pulled it off with some tweezers, and, knowing someone that's had lyme disease before, it kind of concerned me being that I was pretty sure it was a deer tick. The next day or two, it became red, started itching, was swelling a little bit and I could feel the pressure of it in my whole left peck/man-boob. I went to the doctor on Wednesday to get it checked out. They couldn't confirm it without blood tests, but, being that I came in early enough after possibly being exposed to it, they put me on 1500mg of Amoxicillin/day for 15 days and said that should take care of it.
I don't think i've ever had ticks on me this early in the year, but, the weekend before that, I pulled two ticks off of my dog already. I've also been swarmed by mosquitos already. Heck, I even caught a leopard frog in my yard the other day.. I can't believe how early it seems things are "coming back to life" this year.