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M80 question


death from above
For those of you with the Moultrie M80's. What setting do you use them on? I have mine on the highest pic quality and set for 2 pics every 60 seconds. I have always loved my Moultrie cams, but after the first card pull with the this new M80, most of the pics are blurry of the deers head. I have a couple of very good bucks on cam, but can't make out points etc.. Do I need to set the pic quality lower? I have all my cams set on high image quality and have never had this problem. Just wondering.thanks
If the deer are moving you will have bad motion blur. I got mine set on high quality 3 shot burst and I believe 15 seconds or 30. Usually one out of the 3 are good. I finally just said the heck with it and put it on video mode and now there is no more motion blur. The battery life drops much quicker though. It dropped 20% in two weeks with 196 videos and pictures. It takes a picture first as a thumbnail then takes the video.
I have mine set on Video mode. It will take one pic, then record a 30 second video in the day and a 10 sec video at night. I have all the settings set to High Quality. I feel the video mode catches things that I would have totally missed in just trail cam mode..

There is a 30 second delay before the next video will start recording if there is still motion detected.

I've set mine to the lower quality and the pics look almost the same. File sizes are a little smaller as a result, but the quality to me looks the same. I do get a lot of blurry pics too, but that's generally because the deer are moving. That's when I switched to video. You can get away with the smaller cards if you check them often. I think you can get about 100 video's on a 2gb card.
Set mime to video last week, pulled the card today.
It worked great, and I am thrilled how long the battery life is.

Set mine back to trail cam mode, now I wished I would have left it on video.

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