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Made some excellent Summer Sausage.


New Member
In case any gastronomes are interested... I just made a batch of summer sausage that came out just about perfect. I got supplies from Eldon Sausage in Idaho, you can google the site up. I used A.C. Leggs Olde Plantation summer sausage seasoning. I used 9 lbs of beef bottom round roast and 13 lbs of venison. I followed the directions on the Eldon site for cooking in the oven and stuffed the sausage into 2" mahogany fibrous casings. After cooling down and resting in the fridge over night the taste is fantastic. I only ordered one package of ten fibrous casings, so I had some meat mixture left over. Each casing holds about 1 3/4 lbs. I took the left over meat mixture and rolled it out to about a two inch diameter "tube" and wrapped it in aluminum foil (shiny side in). Those sausages are currently in the oven as I write. I also shot some of the meat mixture out of my jerky gun using the stick forming tip. I'll be interested in how those summer sausage sticks turn out.

I've been making breakfast sausage for a number of years. This year I wanted to expand my repertoire. Sausage making in the home isn't too difficult, give it a try, you'll love the results.

Thanks for the info Bugs. We just got the Kitchen Aid mixer with a grinder attatchment and I am ready to try some of my own grinding. How do you make your breakfast sausage? (if you don't mind!)
LEM products makes a nice breakfast sausage mix. Use 80% deer and about 20% pork.

The best of all is their bratwurst mix. Get the hog casings and some deer and pork and you are set for some good eating. BTW- If you make the brats substitute a dark beer like Guiness instead of water..........yum.......
We get alot of our supplies and bulk seasoning at Todd's Inc on NE 14th st in Des Moines.We made 250 lbs of Jalapeno Cheddar Brats last year and Graziano Breakfast Sausage.
For 25 lbs of breakfast sausage, cut your venison into one inch cubes, store in the fridge. Go to your local Fareway and buy 2 pork butt roasts (about $1.79 a lb.), have the Fareway butcher de-bone the pork roasts. Cut the pork into one inch cubes. Get out the A.C. Leggs Olde Plantation breakfast sausage seasonings. Sprinkle half of the seasonings on the pork and half on the venison, mix thoroughly. I usually try for a 50/50 mix of pork and venison. You can try other ratios but it's been my experience that more venison makes for a "dry" sausage... the venison is just too lean. When grinding, feed the grinder a piece of venison, then a piece of pork, repeat until all the meat is ground. I've stuffed the mixture into casings in the past, but now we just freeze it in one lb. packages. We use the sausage in biscuits and gravy, spagetti sauce, and on pizza's.
I've made deer brats a couple of times and I've never really had much success. The brats just come out too dry; just not enough fat in them to make them juicy. They have good flavour, but just aren't juicy like the Fareway brats. Might try another batch, with more pork, if I bag another deer.
FWIW - The SS sticks out of the jerky gun turned out excellent. Cooking the SS in AL foil worked just fine. The casing stuffed sausages give a better presentation, but the AL foil cooked sausages taste just as good.
I make brats every year I use pork trim from my local Fareway store the meat manager is a friend of mine I ask him to save me the pork trim that I want I mix mine about 25 lbs of pork trim and 15-16 lbs of deer add two packs of Fareway's brat mix (they use 1 for 25# mix) I grind all the meat first then add the seasoning and hand mix it takes a long time to mix it but I think it tastes better that putting on the seasoning then grinding the meat.But I use a stuffer to fill the cases not the grinder. I also mix in some onions & green peppers in a couple of batches.
We soak our brats overnite in beer and hotsauce mixture and make sure you don't overcook to keep from drying out.We go thru a ton of them tailgating at games and nascar races.Will have them on the grill tomorrow for the big game.Go Hawks!!My son is a Longhorns fan and I told him we would have Bevo burgers also on the grill.
bugs11, Used the Leggs seasoning with 12.5 lbs pork shoulder and 12.5 venision. It's really good except a bit on the mild side, what's the best pepper to use to increase the "fire"?

To heat up the sausage I suggest adding some dried red chili pepper flakes. For more heat add some cayenne powder. Make sure you mix everything thoroughly.

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