In case any gastronomes are interested... I just made a batch of summer sausage that came out just about perfect. I got supplies from Eldon Sausage in Idaho, you can google the site up. I used A.C. Leggs Olde Plantation summer sausage seasoning. I used 9 lbs of beef bottom round roast and 13 lbs of venison. I followed the directions on the Eldon site for cooking in the oven and stuffed the sausage into 2" mahogany fibrous casings. After cooling down and resting in the fridge over night the taste is fantastic. I only ordered one package of ten fibrous casings, so I had some meat mixture left over. Each casing holds about 1 3/4 lbs. I took the left over meat mixture and rolled it out to about a two inch diameter "tube" and wrapped it in aluminum foil (shiny side in). Those sausages are currently in the oven as I write. I also shot some of the meat mixture out of my jerky gun using the stick forming tip. I'll be interested in how those summer sausage sticks turn out.
I've been making breakfast sausage for a number of years. This year I wanted to expand my repertoire. Sausage making in the home isn't too difficult, give it a try, you'll love the results.
I've been making breakfast sausage for a number of years. This year I wanted to expand my repertoire. Sausage making in the home isn't too difficult, give it a try, you'll love the results.