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Magazines/DVD's for the Troops - OO Booth


PMA Member
Hey everyone - it's that time of the year where we start getting pumped for the Iowa Deer Classic. That being said, Outreach Outdoors will have a booth again this year and we will be collecting old hunting magazines and DVD's to be sending to the troops.

So, if you have any old or new DVD's and/or magazines to get rid of, please bring them to the Iowa Deer Classic and drop them off at our booth - we will have a box there. Please say hi and introduce yourself...we'd love to get to know more of everyone face to face vs. seeing a post online... :way:

We've done this in the past - but if you're interested in sending some OO videos over, send me a PM - our DVD's are $5.00 and we'll cut some of the cost off for you.

Wanted to send this out early enough to start collecting - I'll bump this from time to time until March.

In closing, here is an email from one of the stationed troops in response to receiving a package from 'Hugger:

Hello, I just wanted to say thank you to you and your staff. 'Hugger is a regular poster on QDMA forums, as am I and she was kind enough to send several of your DVD's to me here in Afghanistan. I wanted to take a minute to thank you guys and tell you that I and many other hunters will be able to view the DVD's and we sure appreciate you sending them. I'm an active duty USAF SMSgt and I also dabble as a freelance outdoor writer. I look forward to being able to compile some quality footage like you guys have done this fall when I get home to South Dakota. Take Care and good hunting!

Thanks everyone...happy shedding and see you beginning of March!
A couple of years ago, I cleaned out all of my NWTF and RMEF magazines that I'd saved since 2003. I sent those up to Doubletree. Can you PM a mailing address? I'll start organizing the rest of what I've saved back and get them to you before the Classic (since I can't make it up there)?
Just a weekly reminder/bump...

Don't forget to bring old magazines/DVD's to the Outreach Outdoors booth - we will send them off to the troops!!!
Yep, it is likely I will be down on Friday evening and I will make sure to bring along some DVD's and some mags to the booth.
Just found part of my RMEF mag stash. Will round it all up in the next couple of weeks and get them shipped out to the address you sent me!
Hey Gladiator, do me a favor and stop by the Wicked / WKP booth. I would LOVE to give you a pile of DVD's to mail over. I usually do this a couple times a year, but I have forgotten lately. Be sure to remind me/ come by - I tend to forget stuff these days!

Thanks for putting this together. Our guys (and gals) over-there surely deserve it!
So far, I got a pile of seven DVD's set aside for the trip down to DSM. Thanks again OO for the effort to get this stuff collected and sent over to them.
Awesome idea guys!! If i make it up there this yr, i will bring over some of my stash for the troops for sure!
Yep, so far I have roughly 25 magazines to donate. Hopefully 30ish by the classic. This will be my first time to the classic and the magazine donation gives me a little extra motivation to go! GREAT IDEA!
Bumping this again...Muddy says he's got a 3 foot tall box ready to be delivered! :way:

Hope to see many of you this weekend! :way:
Gladiator - will you be doing this again? I just happen to have a stack I need to get rid of. That' s unless my wife recycled them today.
I'm not sure if Hugger is collecting this year guys....let's hold off and I'll make another post at another time if she is going to send off any packages. Thanks for bringing this up...sorry for the delay!
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