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Man cave question


Life Member
I enjoyed all the photos of everybodies man caves. For those of you who put plywood behind the dry wall to make it easier to hang mounts where ever you wanted instead of on a stud, how thick was the plywood and was it actual plywood or an OSB?

The 'Bonker
I'm probably not the guy you want an answer from being that I haven't done this... Great idea, however.
I would imagine you should be able to get away with using just underlayment underneath 1/2'' drywall. Studs at 16'' O.C. should be close enough to not allow for much pull from a whitetail shoulder mount. You may want to still use one of those plastic/metal expanding inserts though if just using underlayment. I have hung deer heads on a paneling wall w/o a stud before using those inserts. Otherwise, either 1/2'' OSB or plywood should work perfectly fine for just a basic screw.
Keep in mind, your outlets will need to be nailed to the studs a little further out to compensate for the extra thickness.
We built a house for a great guy and put 5/8's plywood behind the drywall to hold all of his mounts. It worked great and it was not OSB. Hope that helps.
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