Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Management 6

Thinkin Rut

PMA Member
I found the 3 point side in the spring that was a year old. I figured the shed was off a 3 1/2 old deer which would put him at 5 1/2 this year. Neat deer but not one you really want around too long. The shed is right at 50 inches.

I think he's been around plenty long to get his seed planted. I'd still whack him tough.
He might not be quite as big as the buck Tanner got last year but thats a hell of a 6 or 7 pointer good luck with him.
i shot a 137" 7 pointer last year he was 7 1/2 years old. i wou;d do it every year. i dont consider it a management buck. he is more of a trophy at that age.
I'd also considered that a trophy 6. Yea he may not score that high but if he's big and mature that in itself is a trophy, but i guess its all about the beholder. I'd smack his A$$ in a heartbeat that's for sure:D:D
In my opinion, a 5+ yr old 130 inch is more of a trophy than a 160in 3 yr old. Nothing beats shooting an old mature buck. Obviously with every year they age, they are smarter and move less....Be proud shooting those old bucks that dont score.
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