Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Management Project

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Well-Known Member
It's a start!

Gearing up to go:

Trespassing Signs Added today + Gates up and gate added (6 total)...




Future blind view:
Right view

Center (more trees cleared today)

Paths made to field and blind (future food plots)



Trees were cut to the ground today just no pictures...

Cutting trees and moving them to the side so we can get the planter/tractor down to the field.


Alright, so y'know how I'm managing this new place? I've seen over 30 people on the place in the last 2 DAYS. :mad: :thrwrck: This will need a lot of work!

I didn't say a word to them as I was putting up the no hunting, fishing, and trespassing signs. Let's say the green van and old blue POS got out of there in a hurry.

Looks like they have permission too?

It's my Fathers and Cousins ground 720 acres that has just gotten out of control.

None of these people have permission, my cousin lives in Colorado and has yet to get a call about hunting or fishing. I believe somebody did call him about duck hunting last year though.


Almost ran into the beauty! Somebody put barb wire across the place the day after I started cutting trees down there.

Total Hours Invested: 102.5 Hours
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Should I till up part of the timber and make it into red clover going to the blind and mow it? Or leave it grass/brome?
FWIW: I would clear a larger area (1/4 acre or more) adjacent to your blind site. Needs to be big enough to let some light in. Plant that to white clovers. If you have enough bedding cover nearby the does & fawns will graze this area during the day. May need to hinge cut a bunch more trash trees to get bedding cover. Come rut time the boys will troll the area utilizing the open trails that you have cleared. I have a similar area and keep the trails mowed just enough to keep multiflora & honeysuckle from choking them off. Works for me... Good luck.
Been a while since I've updated! I'll be planting my food plot within the next few days. Trespassing is at a ALL TIME LOW. I put up 3 more fences and about 6 more signs (replaced the ones torn down).

Food plot mix:


Started building my blind TODAY:



Currently looks like:

Mowing the property.


You'd think the local locker guy would stay off, nope doesn't respect private property either.
Good progress so far Josh. Takes awhile to get the point across to some people. The ryegrass is not what you really want much of, in a deer blend, but the rest is good. Your best foodplot areas, you should plant straight white clover, or in mid august a winter rye[cereal grain],radish and white clover mix. Ideally plant half your area in brassicas in july, and rotate the two, every year. Dont buy expensive buck in a bag blends, order what you need from a place like Welter seed, much cheaper and no worthless filler crap.
Good progress so far Josh. Takes awhile to get the point across to some people. The ryegrass is not what you really want much of, in a deer blend, but the rest is good. Your best foodplot areas, you should plant straight white clover, or in mid august a winter rye[cereal grain],radish and white clover mix. Ideally plant half your area in brassicas in july, and rotate the two, every year. Dont buy expensive buck in a bag blends, order what you need from a place like Welter seed, much cheaper and no worthless filler crap.

I have right around 3 acres plus 1 open lane area I can utilize I was planning to put 1 1/2 acres RR Corn, 1 acre RR soybeans, and then put the mix right on top of the hill by where the blind will be. What's a good thing to put in the open lane and or in the open timber? Radish/Winter Clover? I'll have another blind and stand along the lane. Or should I just leave the lane open?
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I have right around 3 acres plus 1 open lane area I can utilize I was planning to put 1 1/2 acres RR Corn, 1 acre RR soybeans, and then put the mix right on top of the hill by where the blind will be. What's a good thing to put in the open lane and or in the open timber? Radish/Winter Clover? I'll have another blind and stand along the lane. Or should I just leave the lane open?

In the lane I would do clover. Does very good in places such as lanes or paths. Also will encourage deer to be on their feet earlier in the day to graze on clover while heading to big plots/fields.
Your sweet spot mix will work fine on your trails. Ground blinds overlooking feeding areas are great and how we take most of our deer, most with bow, but to work, you must put alot of thought to putting them where you have a clean foolproof entrance and exit route, and have the food landscaped upwind around the blind. They will burn out real quick if you get caught coming or going everytime. My best blinds are at the head of creek ditches and the top of hills where we can stay hidden all the way to and from the blind. Its common to crawl in my blinds, look out the window and have deer feeding in range, clueless. Then when its time, slip out and go home with the deer none the wiser. With a dead zone for scent to go, mine just keep getting better as the season goes on, even after being hunted sometimes 4 or 5 times a week. Blinds are great, but they take more precise planning than a stand 20+ feet up. In late august overseed your weak and grazed corn and beans with the winter rye, clover and radish mix, or straight brassicas late july to make sure there is plenty to eat all season.
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