Old Buck
Life Member
OK guys. We've got a real chance to expand our understanding of mature bucks with all the 'field observers' that will be out the next couple months. How about sharing observations on mature bucks (3 1/2 or older)? When did you see them relative to sunrise and sunset? What were they doing, feeding, fighting, looking for does, etc.? What kind of cover were they using? In the thick stuff? Crossing an open ridge? Following a fence line between timbers?
If we combine our observations it should start to paint a picture of when mature bucks do what and in what kind of place they do it.
I'll start. I've only seen one 4 1/2 the last few days. It was about 15 minutes after sunrise. He was deep in the timber in really thick stuff. I only saw him for a few seconds and couldn't tell if he was feeding on the red oak acorns nearby or checking on the local doe population.
Do you have a mature buck field report to share?
Old Buck
If we combine our observations it should start to paint a picture of when mature bucks do what and in what kind of place they do it.
I'll start. I've only seen one 4 1/2 the last few days. It was about 15 minutes after sunrise. He was deep in the timber in really thick stuff. I only saw him for a few seconds and couldn't tell if he was feeding on the red oak acorns nearby or checking on the local doe population.
Do you have a mature buck field report to share?
Old Buck