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Messin' with me


Well-Known Member
The last two times I checked this cam, the stick that I wedged behind it to change the camera angle had been dislodged. I figured that maybe the deer were messing with it.

Then, I get the card home and see this pic:

I wondered what the raccoon thought of the flash that close to his eye, but it must not have bothered him too bad as he continued to use my camera as a tree step.

Whenever you have a bunch of coons around, hounds probably aren't too far away.

I thought that this fawn looks to have a scowl on it's face, which pretty much sums up my feelings about the whole deal. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
I remember having a coon problem with one of my cam sets last year... I have yet to put one up in that area this year ,but my time is coming.
Yeah, with the coon problems and all, I'll be moving that cam soon. This spot is convenient to check it.

I've got that fawn patterned pretty well! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
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