Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



We'll almost.. I was just outside at 9:25 PM trying to get my dogs inside and I thought I heard a gobble.. I thought noway so I just stood and to listen, sure enough 2 toms were gobblin their heads off.
I bet they sounded off a dozen time each.. I finally went inside, they might still be at it. Im getting ready to get geared up and head out. It's only 8 1/2 hours till sunrise...
I'm all ready...been out with the kids a bunch...

Friday morning it will be more about Dad and the arrow placement!

You will find that kids are your greatest joy, but will also reduce your chances for your own success due to time constraints. I really look forward to each day afield, kids or by myself. Each oppportunity offers a different type of reward!
Monday night I was sitting around the campfire and around about 9:30P I heard what I thought was a gobble. Sure enough I heard him sound off two more times. That was the latest I had ever heard one gobble, but then I am not normally in a place where I could hear them by that time of the night.
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