Thinkin Rut
PMA Member
Has anyone ever let a mineral station go dead? I am curious as to how long it takes for the deer to stop hitting it. Thanks for any input.
I have several that haven't been treated in at least 5 years and there is still a big hole with fresh tracks in late summer when they hit them the hardest. Some are in areas impossible to get skid loader into to dig out so not sure how I will clean them up - i guess I need to try to find a shovel that fits my hands and manually dig them out and refill?
A long long time. One farm I hunt another guy had one going in what was a CRP field. When it went back to crop the deer were still working it to some degree or another for years.
I have one I wish I never started. Don't know how I would get ride of it. I have not added to it in 4 years and they still flock to it. I've been thinking about asking my CO if I could cover it in some way to make hunting the area legal.
If I ever decide that I want to hunt "near" a mineral site, I'll cover it with a couple sheets of metal siding followed by a couple cubic yards of dead leaves. Then I'll be real careful not to shoot anything big enough to get anyones attention. I lotsa times drive 73 in a 70 zone too...
Just don't do it. I don't think mineral sites provide all that much anyway, and if you can't take "inventory" of your herd over soybean, green fields etc then the deer win. How many advantages do we need to pick our shooter??
I personally do it for herd health. Taking inventory is just a bonus
Really? Reproducing with lack of hunting pressure and herd health are different things. With the number of deer we have today, heard health is more important than everHerd health?? How on God's green earth did deer go from near extinction before 1950 to multiple doe permits in recent years? Mineral blocks?
Not sure if it will happen or not, but I talked to a legislator yesterday that just introduced a bill to allow baiting on private land.
It happened.$selectedGa.generalAssemblyID&ba=sf2133
SF 2133 Senator Chelgren from District 41 serving Davis, Van Buren and parts of Jefferson and Wapello counties.
Herd health?? How on God's green earth did deer go from near extinction before 1950 to multiple doe permits in recent years? Mineral blocks?
Why do you feed mineral to cattle and other domesticated animals? Better overall health. It's just a small part of a big picture
Yeah; right. How much mineral are you feeding your cattle?