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Minn. Trophy Buck Poaching Case


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Man Pleads Guilty in Trophy Buck Poaching Case

RED WING, Minn. (AP) A Cannon Falls man accused of poaching a world-record eight-point buck has pleaded guilty to three charges and was sentenced to 245 days in jail.

Troy Alan Reinke had claimed he found the buck already dead when he was hunting in the Cannon Falls area last Halloween night. But the 33-year-old had already taken two deer, the legal limit in the area.

The deer had the highest-scoring eight-point antlers ever measured by several methods.

Reinke got credit for 120 days already served in jail on a separate matter. He also must pay $1,500 in restitution and $583 in fines, forfeit his bow and the deer's rack, and give up the right to hunt large and small game for five years.

This post is for informational purposes only.
It is a good thing he was charged. But, to pay only a little over $2,000 is a joke. And, to loose his hunting rights for 5 years; come on, it should be for life. I know in Montana, restitution of a trophey mule or whitetail deer is $8,000. I think Minnesota needs to increase the penalty as well.
This is why every one thinks most giants are poached. He gives us all (hunters) a bad rep.
Theres a legislative bill sitting in St. Paul right now that will drastically increase poaching fines. Myself and a friend worked for several years thru the MDHA and a few DNR personel to get this written up. If this deer were to be poached under this new bill the guy would be looking at a $20K fine. I know, it dont count now, but the days are coming. People are in an uproar over this and the slap on the wrist penalty. I believe the new bill will pass but then again this is a liberal run state so any thing could happen.
It is a good thing he was charged. But, to pay only a little over $2,000 is a joke.

In addition, 120 days of jail time all ready served for another crime? He should serve his time for both charges, not be allowed to "get credit" for time served. As for losing his hunting privileges for 5 years, if MN is part of the Conservation Pact States (or whatever its called), then that means he can't hunt/get a license in any of those states (37 total I believe) for that time period.
He got hurt allot way worse than that!!! If I recall, MN might be in the compact between the midwest and western states, where if you are accussed of poaching and you lose your hunting privilages in that state, you lose them in the states are part of this pact! IA and WI are in it as well as many other states! POACHING DOES NOT PAY! Basically no hunting midwest for 5 years and a 5 year break from the mountian states.

I bet someone can post the states that are in this pact?

AZ you had the same idea! OOPS! We must have hit enter at same time?
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Its ok, a guy down here poached 2 bucks off of some ground I hunt on, he did the same thing in 97...each time he had a $3k fine, which he somehow bargained out of...he's a hillbilly redneck pos....strange dude, but hey, he gets to keep hunting apparently.
Wow, I guess I don't think 245 days in jail is getting off easy. Even with 120 days credit that is still 4 months locked up over a deer. To me, that is a lot more deterrent than the fine would be.
Is jail time normal in poaching cases?
The time served is not fair, not sure what the other crime was for but just knowing he was convicted of something else, should made the judge throw the book at him, and the fine in my opinion should be over 5k... just because he doesnt have hunting rights doesnt mean hes not going to shoot another deer in the next 5 years, let the hunters give him a punishment not a judge..
Here's my thought's on the sentence, for what it's worth.

The dollar amount is way too cheap, but it sounds like there is a fix coming for that. The five year loss of right to hunt should be more, like at least 10. I'd hate to loose my right to hunt and fish.

The length of jail time is what I have a problem with. It's certainly a deterent for others and a punishment for him. When I see car thiefs walk away time after time with a slap on the wrist , it pee's me off. When I read in the paper that a convicted and self confessed long time child molester in Missouri get's 6 month's probation, it really pee's me off. Then I read this about a guy that poaches a deer and has to sit in jail for 8 month's or so. I'm not saying his sentence is too long but compared to examples like I showed, something with the system is not right.
The length of jail time is what I have a problem with. It's certainly a deterent for others and a punishment for him. When I see car thiefs walk away time after time with a slap on the wrist , it pee's me off. When I read in the paper that a convicted and self confessed long time child molester in Missouri get's 6 month's probation, it really pee's me off. Then I read this about a guy that poaches a deer and has to sit in jail for 8 month's or so. I'm not saying his sentence is too long but compared to examples like I showed, something with the system is not right.

I agree with this 100%.
Personally, anyone caught poaching a whitetail should be fined $100.00 per inch of antler!! That might make someone think twice about poaching! If that but was 180 inches, hurt his pocket book! $18,000!!!! That is one expensive arrow, bullet or what ever! It is all about greed anymore!!! Shoot the almighty monster and make the money not matter how you get the animal. It is a crying shame!!!
I heard the are no buyers for illegally taken/stolen deer.None of the antler buyers will buy anything that not legit.Just what I heard.Don't shoot the messenger.
that may be the case, but it is sometimes is just between friends. Who has the bigger deer or can shoot the bigger deer and have the most biggest deer adorning their walls. Anyway, I am just saying, SPANK THE SNOT OUT OF THEM!! You cant tell me that when this dude saw that animal and shot it, he didn't have the $$ in his eyes? Why the heck do you think he ever shot the thing? GREED!!! Otherwise, he would have let him go and had his chances next year and collected the sheds from it. He didn't want anyone else shooting that animal.

Thus impose fines of Per Inch of horn on illegally taken game.
The length of jail time is what I have a problem with. It's certainly a deterent for others and a punishment for him. When I see car thiefs walk away time after time with a slap on the wrist , it pee's me off. When I read in the paper that a convicted and self confessed long time child molester in Missouri get's 6 month's probation, it really pee's me off. Then I read this about a guy that poaches a deer and has to sit in jail for 8 month's or so. I'm not saying his sentence is too long but compared to examples like I showed, something with the system is not right.

This is exactly what I was getting at. I hate poaching as much as the next guy but something seems out of balance here.
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