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Minnesota Bear Hunting


Life Member
I have applied for a NR tag to hunt bear in Minnnesota and have heard of some getting their tags, does anyone have a link to find out the status of the draw?
I had a guy tell me that the regulations for MN bear now read that you legally have to harvest the first bear that you have an ethical chance at harvesting. Whether it is a young or mature animal. He said this was a result of overpopulation and bears becoming a real nuisance.

Does this sound right? Seems pretty odd to me.

Anyhow, just wondering. Remembered hearing it when I seen this post.
Sound's uninforceble to me,plus if you are spending that kind of money you should be able to pick your own bear!
never heard that one b/4!!!
There should be leftover tags for OTC purchase this year even if you didnt apply! Have Fun!!
The bear population has been stable for a couple of years now! Tags are actually down to around 16-17K this year.
I received my lotto booklet today, I'm in. This is going to be a blast!!! Thanks for the help!!
I love bear hunting. Went for the first time a few years ago and every year since. Hopefully there won't be an abundance of berries so the bears will bait good. For anyone who is still wondering the 30th of June is the last day for confirmation of getting drawn.
I was talking with the guy I'm going to hunt with and he was telling me that the sense of smell on a deer is twice as good as a whitetail. I didn't know this. He also filled me in about all the berries and pressure the bear receive on the first week. Very interesting stuff. Just seeing one in my first year of hunting will be a success itself.
Hey Tracker, where are you going to be hunting. Which area is your tag for? I have taken two bears with a muzzel loader and still want to get one with a home made stick bow. I hunt arround area 51 arround Moose Lake. Stay alert because some times you don't hear or see a thing and a bear just appears on the bait. The sense of smell is amazing but they become so used to human smell from rebaiting that it and the noise can be just like a dinner bell and they come in as soonas they think the coast is clear. Good luck and have fun.
The area I am going to hunt is 26. Going to do the bow. Thought about packing the muzzle in case they are staying out too far. By the way, I hunt in the drakesville area and have thought of trying to find you sometime when I'm down there. You'll have to send me some directions on how to look you up sometime. Anyway, the area I am going to is just north of where you hunt now. I am taking a guy from drakesville with me to try and pay back the favors I owe him for being able to hunt around your area.
Is the guy from Drakesville named Musgrove? If so he is on our NWTF board. If you're down some time give me a call and we will try to meet. I'm in the Floris listings. Pick a good one and shoot straight.
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