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Minnesota Youth Season


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Minnesota Announces 2010 Special Youth Deer Season

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Minnesota has announced details of its special early youth deer season for 2010.

Youth from 10 to 15 years old can hunt in a special deer season that runs from Thursday, Oct. 21, to Sunday, Oct. 24. It's offered in 12 deer permit areas of southeastern Minnesota and 15 permit areas of northwestern Minnesota. It happens when most schools are on break.

The main firearms deer opener is Nov. 6.

Participating in the youth season does not preclude young people from hunting in the regular season, but any deer they harvest count against their season bag limit.

Youth must meet all firearms safety rules, buy a license and use the appropriate firearm for their permit area. An adult mentor must accompany the youth but may not hunt or carry a gun.
Good start from our neighbors to the north...since my kids have become old enough to take part, the Iowa youth season is probably my favorite of all I take part in :way:

Not a big fan myself. Sept would be fine, but late Oct and a gun opener that starts 11-6, not to cool IMO for the MN bowhunter. Add this to our near 40 day gun season. :rolleyes:
youth season

DOR: I would agree, we already have a deer season that weekend, it is called the archery season. Kids can hunt with their parents from September to December during the archery season and then most of November and December for rifle/shotgun or muzzleloader. It just isn't necessary and it really is bad timing (During MEA...the busiest time for small game hunting) so the pheasant, duck and grouse hunters as well as other small game hunters will now have to deal with increased competition for private and public land.

Personally, I loved the guaranteed over the counter youth turkey tag, as it gave kids opportunity that they didn't have before (since many kids were not drawing tags) but I am not a fan of a youth deer season in late October. I am glad it was not approved in my area.

In Minnesota deer camp is special, they can participate in any season archery, rifle, shotgun or muzzleloader that they want along with the rest of their family and friends (??)
I'm in favor of any youth season, no matter what time of the year it is. As long as it is gettin the youth in the outdoors, I'm all for it. I am originally from Missouri, where youth season is the first weekend in November. Sucks for bowhunters, but it is great for the kids to get out and see some rut activity and have a good hunt, whether they kill anything or not. I personally have never been messed up by someone taking a youth hunting, and if I was, I would have probably set my bow aside and tried to help the individual help the youth harvest their deer.
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