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Missouri River UPDATE


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From the Iowa DNR:

Missouri River Boating Restrictions, Fishing Laws Remain Intact

HAMBURG, Iowa – The Missouri River remains closed to boat traffic due to ongoing flooding even though outflow from the federal dams upriver is gradually being reduced. The boating restriction will remain in place until the river is back in its banks and conditions allow for boaters to return to the river.

All fishing regulations remain in place for the Missouri River including its floodwaters. On August 9, the Iowa DNR announced it would relax most fishing rules on isolated waters created when the Missouri River returned to its banks. Those isolated pockets of water should being appearing in late September.

“We want people to enjoy the fish that are stranded in these low spots before the water dries up and they die. Relaxing the laws only covers these specific areas that have not shown up yet. The Missouri River is not part of it,” said Chris Larson, fisheries supervisor for the DNR in southwest Iowa.

To be legal, these waters bodies need to be completely isolated from the river, unlikely to be connected to the river during normal flows, did not exist before the flood, and are less than 5 feet in depth if on public land. Anglers will need permission to access water bodies on private land.

“All fishing regulations on the Missouri River remain in place and will be enforced to the extent that the law allows,” Larson said.

These relaxed fishing regulations for isolated water bodies in Missouri River flood plain in Iowa will remain in effect until on or about November 30, 2011.

In these newly created, isolated water bodies, anglers with a valid fishing license will be allowed to harvest any size or number of fish species from these isolated flood waters. Any number of fishing poles, jugs or nets will be allowed. Anglers must remain in sight of these lines at all times, and follow all other fishing regulations and area rules. Trot lines will be allowed (name and address must be attached), however lines may not be set across entire water body and at least one end must be above the water level and visible.

Dynamite, poison, or electric shocking devices, or any stupefying substances will not be allowed. It is illegal to sell fish or stock captured fish into public waters.

If anglers capture a sturgeon fish species the DNR asks that they be returned to the river unharmed and as quickly as possible. Pallid sturgeon is listed as an endangered species in the Missouri River and is protected under federal law.
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