Mitch Rompola was threatened with a law suit if he claimed his buck to be the World Record over Milo Hanson's. Milo is backed by a seed company and the owner was loosing revenue by folks not wanting to book his head at shows as they thought Mitch's was the new record. He told Mitch that if he wouldn't enter in into B&C then it couldn't be a new world record and he would sue him if he referred to it as such. I will agree that Mitch Rompola is somewhat socially maladjusted but that in no way takes anything away from his abiblty to consistently hunt and take Trophy Whitetail. You may get lucky once in a while, as 8 year old boys shoot B&C bucks occasionally, but to do it on a regular basis is nothing short of amazing. I'm not sure but I think he has taken the Missouri State Record, "Twice", the Michigan State Record and I think another 15+P&Y and 3-4 that will make B&C,with his bow. He came to us 2 years before he killed his buck and told us he was onto a record. He asked if we'd build him a short bow, which we did. Unfortunately there is way too much scandel in the whitetail woods....Now folks are more interested in you "proving" your accomplishment than admiring your Trophy. I do not know 100% what the truth is because I was not in the swamp with him, but I have talked with enough old timers in the industry and most have come to the same conclusion ....Why would he try to pass a fake when he has already accompolished more with a bow than 99.9999% of the serious hunters out there. How many bowhunters do you know who have taken several whitetails which qualify for B&C? In addition,if your accusing Mitch of being a cheat then you have to accuse the scorers too. The gentlemen he had scoring the head, all of them, were long time accompolished scorers for their respective clubs, well respected in their fields for many,many years. Why would they risk their personal reputation to try and pass a fake for Mitch Rompola, it makes no sense. I don't know for sure, as I said earlier....but my money says that you'll see the rack again, in B&C, not too far down the road. By the way, the $10,000 offer made earlier is way short of the 1.5 Million I understand he was offered for the rack. I think it's already sold.......