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MN Bear Season


IowaWhitetail Addict
Hey all,

I did it with the bow and arrow, first night.
I had made remark before I was shooting the first black thing at the bait, well this was it. Achery season for deer starts in 2 weeks, cant be waiting around for these glorified pigs when there is antlers to be chasing

In the stand by 5, bear came in around 8pm. She wandered around the bait a bit. Faced straight away, I drew my bow and as soon as she twisted her front shoulders to turn around I sent my arrow on its way. The arrow found its mark, Liver, Double lungs and the heart. She expired about 75 yards from the bait.

167lbs, Front pad is just over 4inches.




This is about the average sow in my area I am assuming. Not a 500brute I was secretly hoping for, but she is going to eat nicely, and she is small enough that I can butcher it all myself. Some boneless chops, babyback ribs, smoked leg roasts, all the grinding meat is going to be taken to a locker and have summersausage made out of it. mmmmm....

Nice, I think that is the first Archery Kill for a IW member this hunting season. Well that was posted anyway
Congrats on your bear ! That gets me a bit more excited about my bear hunt which is just two weeks away. Question - about how much actual meat will you get out of it? Is the percent about the same as with a deer?
Dressed with hide on she weighed 168.

After I was done. I got 6 5lb leg roasts, I just sperated some of the upper leg muscles. I got 8 packages of ribs, big enough to feed 3 people. 8 packages of back straps (boneless chops). And 47lbs of grinding meat, that I will mix with vension to have summer sausage and beer sticks made.

You do get more meat for the size of a beer than a deer. A bear has most of the same muscles that deer does, but then they have more muscles over those muscles. The muscle the runs from there shoulders back over top the back straps was an inch thick or better. That muscle on a deer is usually the thickness of a knife blade.

Very nice

Been up on that hunt 3 times, and your post makes me anxious for number 4. Congrats.

Nice bear!!!! Nothing like the sight of a bear walking into your stand area to get your heart pumping!!!! Congrats!!!!!!! We had another bear hunt booked for Canada this year but had to cancel due to our relocation to CO and job obligations. My friends had to go without us and they just got back today and they never got their bears.
Congrat's on the bear! It's just amazing how they appear out of no-where and start hitting the bait. Our group had to split up this year due to my son's wedding, so we are going late September-no bugs I hope. Thanks for sharing- gets my heart pumping!!
Man that is Awesome!!!! I want to kill one of those soooooo bad.

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that about says it for me
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