Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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My brother-in law, who lives in Memphis MO. said a boy was attacked by a cougar-Mt Lion,,,down in MO. Anyone hear of this? Was not specific on the area?
Thanks for the info. I like the dad saying ,"It's out there, who knows what's next". Like everyone is at risk. How many people are attacked by other people, or killed by drunk drivers. Happens everday. We live with it, even tolerate it, but if an animal threatens us,,Call out the National guard, kill everything! Just the way I see it...
Yeah, I watched that video. Things really don't add up. He saw it earlier then it attacked him on the way out? He is 14, fended off a Mt Loin with a pocket knife? He isn't the least bit scratched, I'm scratched up a hell of a lot worse after hanging stands. Maybe he's telling the truth, and maybe he is the next daniel Boone, but I would think a Mt loin could do a little more damage than that. Hell, fluffy the house cat could have done more damage than that.
Total BS.....Nice perfect little scratches someone made on the hat though...they better crack the whip on him and teach him that lying is wrong.
Total BS.....Nice perfect little scratches someone made on the hat though...they better crack the whip on him and teach him that lying is wrong.

My dad would have called me out on a story like that....he did the same thing when my brother tried to pull a fast one on him and say he hit a deer with the car. Turns out he was playing around on the ice and hit a fence. :D
It seems like they are trying pretty hard to keep people away from that area...I wonder if they have some nice trail cam pics, since they don't look like the Meth lab type.

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I was skeptical when I first read it. Not that it can't and doesn't happen, just that he came out relatively unscathed from a stealthy creature that when attacking, hits from the rear usually and has no trouble putting the neck breaker on animals WAAAAYY bigger than that kid.

I'm + there are cougars in every midwestern state, even the 4 legged kind but I also think there is very little to fear in that.
Its all believable except the hat part, like someone else said those scratches are to perfect. It is hard to make scratches on the bill of a hat let alone that perfect, also why only one claw tear in the jacket, they don't only extend one claw at a time they all go out at same time. He sure seemed to remember alot and see things very well for something that usually happens so fast you don't have time to remember it that well, like getting your knife out and telling them exactly where and how big of a cut he made. He seemed pretty calm going back out there for just getting attacked and all. Probably seen the DNR report last week and thought it would be a good time to get away with a stunt like this.
Maybe the kid is caught up in watching the Guy on a buffalo episodes like the rest of us? "Punch that cougar in the face." :grin:
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My uncle raised exotic animals for years and his pet cougars would smack around a bowling ball in their pen like a house cat would slap a toy mouse! They almost always go for the throat of their prey while their rear claws disembowel you. This kid is full of it and I'm sure the truth will be told before its all over.
Maybe he read what the Iowa DNR had put.

If you have a rare encounter with a mountain lion, the Iowa DNR posted this recommendation on its site:
  • DON’T RUN! Running will stimulate certain animals to chase you (like a dog that wants to bite you, especially if you run).
  • Stand tall, look big, puff up, lift your coat over your shoulders.
  • Take control of the situation. Scream loudly, throw objects.
  • Gather children in close and slowly back away keeping your eye of the animal.
  • If attacked, fight back vigorously with sharp objects and poke the eyes of the animal. "
He's selling, but I'm not buying. My old chocolate lab would leave tons of marks on me after goofing around and wrestling, and she was no mountain lion. No way this story is true.
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