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MO fishing trip


Active Member
Headed down to Springfield, MO and Bennett Springs for my brother in laws bachelor party. My 1st time ever trout fishing. That place is amazing.
And these little guys put up a surprising fight.

Somewhere in between the car ride and female entertainment, we did manage to fry some fish and drink some beer.
Bennett is one of my favorite places to fly fish (at least around here...)....

Looks like you had a lot of fun!!!

My son was down there last Wednesday through Friday and he had a blast....

I was half tempted to do some shed hunting while down there, but everything looks like a disaster from that ice storm. Looked like about 80% of all the trees had the tops ripped off them and downed limbs everywhere in the timber so I decided to pass.
My brother lives down there,and is still cleaning up from that storm.Did you stop by the Crazy Horse Saloon?
I know it's crazy since I'm only an hour away, but I've never been to Bennett Springs. I've got to drive over there one of these days and check the place out. Everyone says it's a great.
Montauk is a much better quality trout fishing area than Bennet. Try that the next time you are down that direction. Get in the trophy trout areas and it is top notch.

this was outside the park (montauk) about a half a mile.

We were going down there last weekend but couldn't make it at the last minute. I'm glad I wasn't your poor neighbors. In your first picture of the dam area, if you stand just out from that hatchery outlet flow and fish down into the middle arch of the bridge you can almost always catch trout and sometimes some really nice ones. I was standing next to a young man once when he hooked a rainbow of almost 8 pounds right at my feet. The fish took a little black jig on his spinning rod and was in his net within 15 seconds and the kid was shaking and sweating like the fight had been an hour. He said that he didn't think he was EVER going to get him in the net. Glad you had a great time those trout are a lot of fun on a 3wt flyrod, try it sometime.
We actually stayed at a KOA in Springfield. I think the cabins were $30 a night. Had 2 bunk beds and a double bed.
We didn't visit the crazy horse, but in hindsight we should have. The "entertainment" we saw was hands off and had to keep certain parts covered
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