Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Mock Scrape Dipper


New Member
Mock Scrape Dripper

What are your thoughts on this? If you have used them do they work? They say they are supposed to bring in the nocturnal bucks during the daylight hours if you put them on a natural scrape to start off with.
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I dont think it makes much of a difference. I think fresh scent can be good, but dont think they care if they smell it 8:15 instead of 6. Strictly an opinion.
i used them last year and had alot of bucks show up during day light, was it cause the dripper i dnt know but wat i do knw is that it kept it for long periods of time so if i wasnt able to be there every weekend it still put the scent down which is wat i liked
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