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Mock Scrape - Photos


Life Member
Getting lots of pictures over mock scrapes right now. You guys that love messing with trails cams that haven't tried this yet should give it a try. I'm just using a stick in a pre-existing scrape and doing the freshing with some Mrs. Doe Pee.

I will get some pictures up soon....






Re: Mock Scrapes

Hey Ghost, long time no hear. Have you ever tried Hawg Limited synthetic's for mock scrapes. I have used religiously for 4 years, starting as early as July, with HUGE results. Collara has great PEE.Have used some myself-just seems that synthetic is always positive for me.
Re: Mock Scrapes

Hey Mike...never tried the Hawg stuff.

I'm not big on hunting with scents but it has been fun to mess with while taking trail cam pics over scrapes.
Re: Mock Scrapes

I can't tell you the number of times I have let loose on this existing scrape but no bother to him......
Re: Mock Scrapes

Why don't all of you who piss in them go #2 in them also, maybe that would work......
Re: Mock Scrapes

I usually have control of the #1 and #2....I just prefer to use the #1 rather spend the $$$ on deer scent. In 8 years of peeing on scrapes, I have yet to see one negative reaction, however, should I decide to take a squat on a scrape, I am likely hoping I will run the deer off from someone in which I share ground with and do not like. That has yet to happen
Re: Mock Scrapes

Hey Shredder...

You and I are on the same page!! I have been peein in mock scrapes for years.....it totally works and I swear on my life by it. I read an article some years ago that said there is no conclusive evidence that our urine can be differenciated by deer when they smell it. I started several mock scrapes about a month ago. All have been blown wide open within the last week or so. I will be putting trail cams on them this week.

Nice shot Ghost!!
Actually, I now have about 25 pictures of him all over the place on different cameras. He surely calls my place home.

Hope I don't have to make that decision some frosty morning!
Do you have pictures of him with a full head gear?? Or did it just grow that way. If he had a full head gear LET HIM WALK..IF you take him you will always think what if he was complete.. Just my thoughts..
As Limb said, I have velvet photo's of him from July 15 and his left side main beam was broke off just after the split G-3 then.
GHOST---LET him go!!!! If you racall a few years ago I let a 170'S with a broken tine go- repeatedly. The following tear parkerman harvested him at 196". ROLL the Dice. Evan as a mature buck he seems to like your area.
If you do choose to harves be proud--he is an awesome critter even as he stands. And with that many photos he will surely be one to tell the grand kids about.
SOME DECISIONS ARE TOUGH-IF you pass, all you can assure is that he lives another minute. Man I LOVE this SPORT.

P.S. I guess Mrs. Doe Pee does (kinda
) work.
SPLIT G-3!!! Dang Ghost, thats a dandy. Lots of character even with the busted beam! Nice pics.
Cool pics Ghost.......That 3rd bucks a narly old dude.Let him walk.He'll be a real dandy next year with a full rack... Keep the pics comin!
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