Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

moosehunter's gone



moosehunter's gone to texas huntin quail & pig ..we can talk about him while he's gone!

kinda sucks, he's got my gun, my ammo, my bow case, my range finder, my huntin pants & chaps and left me here all alone with just my scivies and a huge pile of dishes!! says he's gettin game for the cookoff, so look out muddy he's gunnin for the trophy. even bringin back secret spices from texas.
Looks like ole Moosey is gonna hava a long drive home thru the snow on Monday!!! Hope he has a good trip and remembers to load the gun first!!
I'm a little bit jealous about that. I used to hunt quail all of the time, now not that many left, used to go to Kansas to hunt quail but haven't been for a few years now.

Hope we get a report.

got back last night. counted 48 vehicals in the ditch between des moines and mason city. we had a real good time though. i have a better understanding why those guys down there use feeders. must have picked up some kinda flu bug there though. i'm feeling lower than quail poop right now
Geeze Moosehunter.... now I can never look at quail poop the same!!!

So how was the ole ride back? Suprised the Toy made it thru the snow, but then again you didn't have a trailer on the back
. Get better and get back to work so I can hear the stories..

The sickness may be due to a condition known as "southern brain thaw". You should be okay once your brain freezes again. One thing to reduce the recovery time is a "big ole bowl of grits".

I hope you had a good trip.
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