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Subject: FW: Friends of Iowa Landowners & Sportsmen support Bill HF #327
Today, Iowa ’s House received Bill #327 which is the companion Bill to SF #219 which we contacted you about yesterday. The response you provided during the past 24 hours has been loud, let’s be heard again. Please send your emails to the group of House Representatives we have listed below and ask them for their support of this bill.
…. we are asking that you email a personal note or copy the one below (be careful and only copy the message) and email it to the list of Iowa legislators I have compiled for you below. This list contains the Iowa House leadership and the House Natural Resources Committee members. These individuals at the present time are the key legislators we are depending on to decide whether to allow Bill HF# 327 to be voted on this session. If you decide to create your own message remember to be respectful…we have some good friends within this group.
Bill HF # 327 is a bill that was introduced to the Iowa House today that would allow NRLO privileges to hunt in Iowa that we have not had. A companion bill similar to this will soon be introduced to the House side of the Iowa legislature.
We also ask that you contact all of your friends, family members and business associates asking them to send this letter of support. Our opponents are well organized and have already started responding in opposition to this bill. We need to be heard “LOUDLY”, we have a coalition of support in the legislature but they need to hear from as many of you and your friends as possible.
Don’t delay “Do it today”!
Thank you for your support
Friends of Iowa Landowners & Sportsmen;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Dear Representative,
In its report to the Iowa Legislature in 2009 the Iowa Deer Advisory Committee stated “It is important from a social and economic perspective for non-resident hunters to not be restricted without sound management reasons”. Denying a large group of landowners from being able to manage their own properties efficiently as currently happens, impacts the entire state economically and affects Iowa’s wildlife and its habitat.
Bill HF # 327 provides social and economic incentives for Iowa. It benefits many Iowa citizens, businesses and landowners whose livelihoods depend on the monies spent by non-resident landowners each year, a hidden economy often overlooked when this debate begins. This bill also provides an economic stimulus for Iowa ’s DNR whose programs and services have deteriorated due to the economic conditions we have all felt in the last few years. Lastly and quite possibly the most important in many eyes, it will provide an opportunity for the state to access “New Funds” for land acquisition that is desperately needed for Iowa’s hunting community and its citizens to enjoy.
There is a lot of passionate debate concerning this issue and I understand the concerns that are raised. As Iowa landowners we all embrace Iowa ’s heritage, there is room for compromise without compromising the quality of Iowa ’s wildlife, which this bill provides for. I believe your support for Bill HF #327 would be a positive step in the right direction for all of Iowa .
Thank you for your time and consideration
We have to match them 5:1 in emails or contacts with OUR elected officials. The race is on and our hunting heritage cannot come in second. It was suggested that we provide an email template for everyone to copy. While that isn't a bad idea I feel your own thoughts and words are more powerful than cookie cutter cut and paste responses. There are very good ideas in this and other threads on why these proposed changes are bad for Iowa. Put it in your own words, be genuine, be respectful and above all else, KEEP UP THE FIGHT.
Subject: FW: Friends of Iowa Landowners & Sportsmen support Bill HF #327
Today, Iowa ’s House received Bill #327 which is the companion Bill to SF #219 which we contacted you about yesterday. The response you provided during the past 24 hours has been loud, let’s be heard again. Please send your emails to the group of House Representatives we have listed below and ask them for their support of this bill.
…. we are asking that you email a personal note or copy the one below (be careful and only copy the message) and email it to the list of Iowa legislators I have compiled for you below. This list contains the Iowa House leadership and the House Natural Resources Committee members. These individuals at the present time are the key legislators we are depending on to decide whether to allow Bill HF# 327 to be voted on this session. If you decide to create your own message remember to be respectful…we have some good friends within this group.
Bill HF # 327 is a bill that was introduced to the Iowa House today that would allow NRLO privileges to hunt in Iowa that we have not had. A companion bill similar to this will soon be introduced to the House side of the Iowa legislature.
We also ask that you contact all of your friends, family members and business associates asking them to send this letter of support. Our opponents are well organized and have already started responding in opposition to this bill. We need to be heard “LOUDLY”, we have a coalition of support in the legislature but they need to hear from as many of you and your friends as possible.
Don’t delay “Do it today”!
Thank you for your support
Friends of Iowa Landowners & Sportsmen;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Dear Representative,
In its report to the Iowa Legislature in 2009 the Iowa Deer Advisory Committee stated “It is important from a social and economic perspective for non-resident hunters to not be restricted without sound management reasons”. Denying a large group of landowners from being able to manage their own properties efficiently as currently happens, impacts the entire state economically and affects Iowa’s wildlife and its habitat.
Bill HF # 327 provides social and economic incentives for Iowa. It benefits many Iowa citizens, businesses and landowners whose livelihoods depend on the monies spent by non-resident landowners each year, a hidden economy often overlooked when this debate begins. This bill also provides an economic stimulus for Iowa ’s DNR whose programs and services have deteriorated due to the economic conditions we have all felt in the last few years. Lastly and quite possibly the most important in many eyes, it will provide an opportunity for the state to access “New Funds” for land acquisition that is desperately needed for Iowa’s hunting community and its citizens to enjoy.
There is a lot of passionate debate concerning this issue and I understand the concerns that are raised. As Iowa landowners we all embrace Iowa ’s heritage, there is room for compromise without compromising the quality of Iowa ’s wildlife, which this bill provides for. I believe your support for Bill HF #327 would be a positive step in the right direction for all of Iowa .
Thank you for your time and consideration
We have to match them 5:1 in emails or contacts with OUR elected officials. The race is on and our hunting heritage cannot come in second. It was suggested that we provide an email template for everyone to copy. While that isn't a bad idea I feel your own thoughts and words are more powerful than cookie cutter cut and paste responses. There are very good ideas in this and other threads on why these proposed changes are bad for Iowa. Put it in your own words, be genuine, be respectful and above all else, KEEP UP THE FIGHT.