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More on New Cuddebacks


Life Member
A few of my thoughts on the new Cuddebacks.

I simply think they have dropped the ball on racing to the market with their new cameras.

I have older models and could not be happier with them.

I also run a bunch of homebrews so I have something to compare to as far as performance.

Of, course I had to try out the new No-flash.

I had heard of lots of trouble with the first 1500 cameras that hit the market so I waited 6 months hoping all the bugs were worked out.

The blurry picutures are a very real thing, even once in awhile with the older models.

The new cameras should be renamed "Blurreback"!

If you are experiencing this I would send them back and have them replace the curcuit board. I hear it has been upgraded.

I put mine over a mineral site and had great results as long as the deer stood still for its picture.

I really have a hard time believeing that a company at this level and reputation raced to the market and put out the new cameras prior to everything being worked out.

I captured two pictures when the camera switched from I/R mode to color a couple minutes apart. Interesting that it didn't switch to color mode sooner.

I'm not finished testing, but believe me, for the price, I'm not real happy so far.

Good thing I have some old reliables to count on because this really hasn't been my year for good luck with new cams.

Here are the pictures showing the change over from I/R to color.


Weasel bought the new no flash and has been having the same issues. IR in the middle of the day, blurry pictures and I am glad I didn't buy one at the same time (very close). They will either make or break their reputation on this deal in my opinion.

It is unfortunate as this is his first camera. There is just too many people having trouble with this camera for there not to be a problem.
Thanks for the info. I was just getting ready to get one until I came across this new info (new to me at least). I guess I will stick to my old 35mm for now.
I wish I had waited as well. I bought a noflash (1st trail camera for me) July 4th and have been getting about 500-800 pictures a week over a mineral lick on the 1 minute delay. At least half the pics are blurry. I have no other cameras to compare, so I didn't realize how bad this is. Guess I'll keep checking for more updates from you guys before I decide what to do next. Thanks for the info everyone!!
The only issue I'm having with my no-flash is at dusk or dawn. The camera doesn't know to go to IR or not. It's just been a few though. If you face them south you will have many more problems though.
IM with Ghost on this one, I decided to go with Cuddeback beacuse of the name its supposedly built, but im not happy at all with this excite. Here are a few examples. I will prob send it back after the next sit.


Same thing here- first trailcam and it has been a disappointment. Been hearing all this and thought I'd wait for some info on what the company is going to do. This will wreck them if they don't make it right.
Ghost have you tried the video mode. I know somebody that is using one and it seems to be working good for him. He said he has it on the 10 sec video mode and I believe the lowest brightness setting (if there is one, I know he was on a lower setting for something). Anyway he showed me a lot of his footage and it was pretty sweet. When a deer triggers it you get a still photo and then a 10 sec video clip. I believe there was a 30 sec delay and then it would repeat. He had several bucks hanging around for 3 or 4 minutes with pretty darn good video footage. Often there was more than one deer walking around. The clarity was a little blurry but not as bad as your blurry pics. You could easily see the size and count pts on deer that were 10 or 15 yds away.

He was set up aiming at a cornfield that was 15 yds away and the deer were just coming in and out of the corn. I was very surprised after hearing all of the problems everyone was having. His wasn't perfect but I think the IR was definitely doing it's job and you could definitely tell what was moving around in front of it. He was also using a 1 GB card.

Now I did not see any of his still pictures. All he had was the video burned to a dvd.

Not sure if anybody else has tried this. But I was impressed.
I just talk to a friend of mine that has a no-flash and he loves it. I asked him about blurred pics and he said that all pics were very clear. He had used it for about a month and is very impressed.. Maybe he was lucky and got a good one...
Limb...from what I have read on Chasing the Game...I would tell Scottie to send that back to them to have the board replaced.

Have him call in first so they can give him a customer reference number.

I will be doing the same if my next card shows these results.

Hope he kept his sales reciept from the dealer too.
Well, I just retrieved my first pictures from my new excite. And no I'm not "excited" about the blur camera. This one is going back to Cabelas. The picture of me and the gang on the 4 wheeler was a test...I was barely moving when it took the picture. Yuk!
Wow, that is crazy how many blurry photos people are getting with that camera. I am glad that I didn't buy one like I was planning on. Maybe next year they will be much improved.
Wow, that is crazy how many blurry photos people are getting with that camera. I am glad that I didn't buy one like I was planning on. Maybe next year they will be much improved.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. This is terrible marketing, I have to think this will ruin their reputation. How did this ever pass their quality control? If it exsists...
On the inside cover of North American Whitetail Magazine, they have an ad for their new cameras. Even their ad photo is blurry! Do these jokers need glasses or what??
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