Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

More trailcam pics with nice buck



I just got back from checking my camera today. I got a few nice pics of a larger buck with the non-typical buck that has the kicker on the left base.

Check them out. What do you think the bigger one will score? 130? To see a closer up pic, go to the trail cam gallary and click on the individual pics. On the last pic you can see the big one's rack over the neck of the little buck in front.







Could you blow them up anymore? He is a dandy and definitely a shooter in my book. I wouldnt worry about his score till he is hanging on the wall.
sorry they were so big. you just couldn't see them as well if they were small. If you want to see them bigger, go to the trail cam gallery and click on the indivdual pic.
Nice Pictures Bud!

Thanks for sharing them with us!

You have obviously found their stomping grounds this time of year...not always an easy task.
I had a feeling that they travel this particular area and I had wished I had hunted it last year. Although they might not "hang around" this area in the fall, it is an area between a water source and their bedding area. I just hope they stick around til this fall. So far the last 4 days they have been out at 5:00 or so like clockwork. I kind of wished I had shed hunted the area this past Feburary/March.
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