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Morel Hunters Stressing Deer?

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I just crossed over the Cedar River Bridge in Palo when a doe came running up over Blairs Ferry Road right in front of me during mid day. Next day I saw two dead does in that same spot hit by cars.

People looking for Morels jumped them.

How much does Morel and Shed hunters stress the deer after Hunting Season is over?
Statistically May is the second highest month for deer/vehicle collisions. I don't think it has much to do with Morel hunters. There are people in the timber all year long, hiking, biking, etc and I highly doubt they cause much stress for deer.

Never really gave that a thought.

Yes, people are in the timber all summer long. But think about it. During morel season the weeds aren't waist high and people go into the deepest parts of the timber to find the morels. Those people walking or riding their bikes along trails aren't getting into the deep timber.

Not sure I'd relate it to the deer\car collisions. But it's something I hadn't thought of til now.
Hey Goatman love your picture of Gus there!!! That movie no doubt is one of the best movies ever!!! I think iv watch it 1000 times, and i can still watch it!!
Deer collisions this time of year are often from the Does getting rid of the fawns so they relocate to other areas.
I'm sure it stresses them a bit, but then again what doesn't? You could say the same thing about turkey hunters.
Statistically May is the second highest month for deer/vehicle collisions. I don't think it has much to do with Morel hunters. There are people in the timber all year long, hiking, biking, etc and I highly doubt they cause much stress for deer.


I believe that has to do with deer finding new home ranges, especially last year fawns. :way:

The deer in my area do not fly out of the country so to speak since no one hunts them on deer drives in my area or bugs them in vehicles. I doubt morel hunters have much if any of an impact on deer.
Happens every year in my area too & no one is hunting morels either. Those who commented on last years fawns traveling more are correct. I always suspected that the mature does run the young ones off while they are fawning, early summer they get back together in doe family groups, if the cars don't take them out 1st that is! Last years button bucks leave the area unless mommy ended up on some one's grill, then they might stay around.
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