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Moultrie D-55 IR First Trail Camera

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Well-Known Member
:way: It's a amazing trail cam! I just got it 3 days ago and finally got it set up right and here are my first pictures. It's only on med picture quility too!

First picture of a deer/live animal



Good job your hooked now. Dont be afraid of flash cameras. I run both depending on the situation. I love the night flash pictures of the cuddeback, but as everyone knows the service SUCKS, but I still buy them.If something goes wrong just hope it is before the 1st year is up, and keep your receipt. I really like my reconyx's and also use moultrees.
Good job your hooked now. Dont be afraid of flash cameras. I run both depending on the situation. I love the night flash pictures of the cuddeback, but as everyone knows the service SUCKS, but I still buy them.If something goes wrong just hope it is before the 1st year is up, and keep your receipt. I really like my reconyx's and also use moultrees.

Reconyxs are INSANE! I bought mine from eBay :thrwrck:But it still came with a one year warrenty. I might just get IR's but it's going to be awhile 'til I get more. Because I'm only a kid and it's hard to get the money to buy this stuff.
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Its all good. All I was saying is everyone is scared of the flash cameras spooking deer, but when I am setting up on feeding areas or scrapes it does not bother them,but the deer on my place are not real spooky, they have grown up with cameras everywhere. I really like a colored flash camera for velvet and especially while they are stripping off, pictures at night. During hunting season the IRs are probably best, but I still love colored night pics. If you see a cheap flash cuddeback on e-bay think about getting it since everyone is getting rid of them for IR's. I have some that have been getting thousands of pictures every year that are 4 years or more old.Some cuddes are just duds ,but usually you find that out while they are still under warranty. Good luck and just have fun with them.
I was in Bass Pro this weekend and noticed the D55IR's are back on sale again for under $100 bucks.. While I'm sure there are better camera's out there, I don't think you can beat this one for the price..

Looking forward to seeing more of your trail cam pic's T.H... Set that sucker on Video mode a couple times and start a YouTube channel. If you want to see how good the video is check out my page.. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=scoffin87&aq=f I'm finding myself wanting two cams in each area.. One taking pic's and the other on video mode..
I got two of these cameras for x-mas this year, but haven't made the time to set them up because all my land is 2.5hrs away. I'm going to have my dad run them this summer, to give him something to do, and get me the information I'm looking for.

Were they easy to set up?
I totally agree Nacho!
Turtlshell, it's really simple but just aim it low and tilt it on a tree and there you go you got a working trail cam.
I just picked up a 55-IR and I either am having issues with it or I dont have it set up correctly. Will yours take video at night (it says it will)? I have mine set to video mode and have it over a pile of fish scraps (testing it on coons). The bait is gone every morning but I have no night video...just a few daytime videos of crows. Does it have to be on picture mode to get nighttime action? Thanks.
On mine, the video mode takes 1 picture then the video starts recording. If you don't have any night pictures, the cam probably isn't picking up any movement. I thought mine had some night video's, but I'll have to check my home pc to know for sure.

The range the IR works at night is drastically less than it is during the day. The deer have to be really close to get it to take a pic.. I would assume raccoons would be even harder to pick up movement on at night.
They take a pic and then the video.

All of mine take nighttime and daytime video just fine.

You might have a faulty camera.
Yeah, mine takes one photo and then video during the day. As far as distance from the camera...I had my bait pile at 6 feet...it better pick it up from that distance! I'm kind of wondering if my camera is faulty too. I noticed that the picture delay (time between photos) has 15 and 30 second options as well as the 1-60 minutes settings that the box says it is supposed to come with. I think there is a software upgrade and I'm wondering if someone already owned this unit, downloaded the software, then returned it because it wouldnt take night video. My buddy bought 2 of these cameras on the same day from the same place and he doesnt have the 15 and 30 second delay options. I'm setting the camera up in picture mode tonight and I'll see if that actually works.
The 15 and 30 second picture delays are part of the software upgrade. I bought my 2 camera's from Bass Pro and one had the upgrade and the other did not. It's a simple download. Save a file to your pc from their website, save it to the card, put the card in the cam. Easy as that.
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