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Moultrie gamespy 200 problem


New Member
I went out and checked my camera this morning and it was full of ants. I got the ants to vacate the premises but now the LCD doesn't work. I changed out the battery just to make sure they weren't the problem. When I hook up the main battery the lcd flashes a line across it then goes blank. Anybody have any ideas?

I heard that if you cut up a flea and tick dog collar,that it would help prevent ants & other insects from being attracted to it. I have not yet tried it though. I have a big problem with the big brown ants being drown to the circuit board of my feeders.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Travis77</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I have a big problem with the big brown ants being drown to the circuit board of my feeders. </div></div>

When ants get on your circuit boards, bad things happen. I don't know exactly what they do, but they can ruin the boards. Gamecams too.
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