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Moultrie with Infrared


Active Member
Hey guys, I'm having a problem with a couple of my game cams. The ones with infrared are killing me! I put one facing straight north overlooking a bean field and three convergeing trails and had 126 pics in a week. 2 of one nice buck, 1 of a doe, and 123 of nothing! The sun seems to be setting off the camera and I've had the problem in the past when I faced it in the wrong direction so I tried facing it away from the sun and I'm still getting glimpses! Its pretty irritating so I was wondering what you guys have done if you have had the same problem because I really want to try the edges and not in the deep timber. Plus there is not sensitivity setting on this one?!? Thanks
I'm having pretty good luck with my I-40 so far, but I haven't been on a field edge yet. Have you contacted Moultrie?.....they are usually good about helping a guy out.
I have a D40 w/out the infared (I assume you mean infared night pictures) and I noticed that when I face mine to the north there were alot more whited out pics, however when it was facing the south I had fewer problems with the white out. Dunno what to tell ya other than don't face it North and maybe give Moultrie a call.
had a buddy who was having problems with his infared. It was only taking pics in black and white and had 25 or so that were whited out. He called Moultrie and they said there are problems with the software on their cameras. So maybe try giving them a call and see what they can do for ya
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