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Mounts on Carsiding


Premium Platinum Member
This may be a dumb question. But How did you guys hang your mounts where you have carsiding? I didn't know if you just used good 'ol screws, or a hanger, or what. I want to be able to move them around as I add more to my collection without having a ton of holes in the wall. Thanks! :way:
Before I put my carsiding up I put a cut 2by across where I wanted to hang them in the future and went from there, I just use as large of an anchor screw as I can
Your going to need a steel beam to hold that big giraffe Nick! :)
Thats a great idea though to run the 2x4 horizontal.
That is a great idea, and will be doing that in the future! Unfortunately it's already up.

I got the giraffe in a bedded pose, so he should support himself, but will be bolted to the floor just in case.
Is that the giraffe that they used in The Hangover 3?
On a serious note is the wall ferred out at all and what is behind the car siding? It would put holes in the wall, but if you could attach a hanger with a toggle bolt that is the route I would go.
Congrats again on the giraffe Nick :way:

As far as the mounts, I'd just use a drywall screw and if you want to move them around later just take the screw out.
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