Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Mr. Clean


A Few Steps Ahead Of You
this is the same buck from my first pull, I decided to call him Mr. Clean because his rack is nearly perfect

after all is said and done, I feel safe saying he will gross between 135 and 140. and I will have a hard time passing him.....

here is a pic from last week

and here are are two encounters from this past week



i think he could maybe score a lil higher than you think. I shot a buc just like him last year and he scored 145. its nice to have some ground growage than shrinkage.
I think he's a 140 for sure. Hard to let one like that walk, a 140 10pt is a nice deer. Trust me, I have one on my wall! I guess if there are better deer in the area though, that's a good one to pass from a management standpoint. Good luck.
I think he'll score higher than you think; but I like your style, go conservative and you'll never be disappointed! Great deer, I'd be shooting if I were you.
I have to agree with alot of these people. I think he is easy 140 if not 145. I would play string music if he came pass me for sure
I have been running trail cams for about 5 years now and I have learned that until the deer is in front of you, you really can't judge him on how big he is. You can make a good guess but with trail cams I am learning that they are bigger than they look.

I had a picture of an eight pointer I later shot and I thought he looked like a 130 incher and ended up being 147. So it is hard to guess.

If you like how he looks when your in your stand then he is big enough. Good luck and hope you get a biggn!!
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