Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Muddy Hunter Treestand Stability


Active Member
I'm gonna add one of these stands to the arsenal, been meaning to do so for a long time. I see the upper strap is a ratchet but the lower is a friction buckle. For those that have used them, is that lower strap enough to keep the stand super solid? I don't like virtually ANY side to side movement in the platform. Not a make or break thing, just wondering what to expect.
It will be enough. All you got to do is have the platform at a 10-15 degree angle tilted up, cinch it down, then push the platform down. It should be no different than any other treestand. Goodluck!!

For others that view this post. Scheels in Waterloo had a lonewolf Assault brand new marked down from 199.99 to 139.99. It was there last one. I thought that was a heck of a deal and almost picked it up, but I already have 3 LWs. Just thought I'd pass the information along.
yea i know the kid that bought the last one i was at Scheels with him and he grabbed it before i even seen it was on-sale.. Heck of a deal he got on it!
I keep the racket on bottom, and the choke strap on top. Easier to hang with the choke strap on top, and you get that tight, the racket just makes it even tighter to the tree.
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