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New Member
Do you think Muddy should get his own title for having the most posts, instead of just PMA MEMBER. That is a land mark most of us will never reach and he is looking though his peep sight for 3000. Lets hear some input.
If Muddy had only posted when he had something important to say that might in some way have benefited us as hunters, he might have 3, maybe 4 posts under his name. But still, he has a way of growing on you....like a fungus!!! Come to think of it DUMB *** might look pretty snappy attached to his avatar.
Oddly enough, when he first was introduced to the site by looking over my shoulder at work, he made fun of the people who commented on every little thing that was posted.......
just look what is possible with a little time on your hands and an obsession with hunting

good point Rack
After giving it some thought, he should be rewarded with a free Life Membership. What the heck, he's not gonna' go away, and Lord knows he's already posted more than most of us will in a lifetime! He's kinda' like Norm on Cheers. They should make a sign on tone for the site that has about 50 voices in unison shouting...."MUDDY!" Other than being about 300 lbs. lighter, he does kinda remind you of Norm. "He's ALWAYS here, and loves his BEER!" Hey, maybe that should be his new signature next to his dancing banana.

Now, if someone could make that banana chug a brewski while it was dancing around....
...he should at least be rewarded with a contract from the Chaquita Banana Corp...I know that I now look at bananas in a completely different light...

...does anyone know exactly what he does for a living other than visit this site?...is that why he left Scheels - there weren't enough computers in the archery department?...

...dance, muddy, dance...
Wow, I could go places I don't think I am allowed to go with that whole "Post Master" thingy.

There are lots of other names that remind me of Muddy such as, Bannana Boy, Robyn Hoyt, Skid Mark, oh, wait that was Rack, sorry Mud...
Muddy if I would have known I was hunting with a celebrity I would have gotten a snap shot with you bro.
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