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Multiple deer mount pedestal?


PMA Member
Hey I was wondering if anybody on here has a pedestal that you can put multiple deer heads on? Pics?

I'm looking for some ideas to possibly build my own. I currently have my mounts in my basement and with the concrete walls and limited ceiling height I want something different to display them on. I remember seeing a decent one made out of barn board a couple years back and I was thinking about going that route.
Go up to the search tab and type 'templeton rye' and a post should pop up of one that a fella on here had two heads mounted onto a refurbished whiskey barrel.. it is my favorite one I've seen on here and I plan on doing it someday.
I remember one done by Chris Hoskins of two bucks mounted to a two-trunk tree stump. Really cool mount of two REALLY nice bucks harvested by the same hunter in 2007. Pretty sure it was a IW members mount. It was in Kisky's booth during the IA Deer Classic in the winter of 2008.
Thanks for the pics and ideas. I like the whiskey barrel idea after seeing the pictures. Sounds like a good summer project for me.
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