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mushrooms over before it started?


PMA Member
In the hills here in western Iowa,monona county, the ground temperature untill this week was too cold with no rain for a long time, so mushrooms have been few and far between. Now we have had 2 95+ degree days but good rain coming today finally. Its getting late on the calender, but do you guys think we could get a good push of mushrooms from this or is it too late?Anyone finding fresh ones?
Man we looked and looked and never found any back home in Harrison. Yesterday while rock climbing at Monticello I found 2 nice yellows... I didn't bother to hold the group up and look for more but it felt good to find some. I'd think with the rain coming our way... more like big storms coming our way... and this heat, we could get some good Morel hunting in yet. But after this the vegetation will probably take over.
They'll pop anytime. Found a few fresh ones last night, gonna keep checking for the next couple of days. :way:
I picked about 5 lbs of greys Monday on my farm. Almost all of them were in the bottoms on a south facing hill. Nothing on top of the hills. Just too dry in eastern Iowa.
Today's CR Gazette:
Looking for morel mushrooms? Better hurry

by Cindy Hadish/SourceMedia Group :: UPDATED: 11 May 2011 | 7:39 am :: in Local News :: 1 Comment

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The afternoon sun highlights a morel growing April 28, 2010 in a Buchanan County timber. (Orlan Love/The Gazette)

Eastern Iowans with an appetite for morel mushrooms might go hungry this year.
“The spring was just too cold,” said Cedar Rapids restaurateur and morel hunter Marshall Godwin. “It just took out the season.”
While Godwin might find hundreds of morels in a given year, so far, he had only found a half-dozen, he said Tuesday.
The morel season is typically ending about this time, Godwin noted.
“There might still be a chance, but I doubt it,” he said. “That’s up to Mother Nature.”
Dean Abel, secretary of the Prairie States Mushroom Club, agreed with Godwin’s assessment.
“It’s not as good as past years,” said Abel, who works in the University of Iowa biology department in Iowa City.
Warm weather early last spring led to a bumper crop of sorts for morels, a spongy, native delicacy found in timber, often near dead elm trees and typically for only a few weeks in the spring.
Abel said this spring was too cold for soil to reach the temperature needed for the fungi to grow. The rapid jump into the 80s and 90s on Tuesday didn’t bode well, as the season often ends after three 80-degree days, he said.
Fans can still get their fix at this weekend’s Houby Days celebration in Czech Village in Cedar Rapids, which features an egg and morel breakfast from 7-11 a.m. Saturday and Sunday at Kuncl Mall, 59 16th Ave. SW.
They can also be purchased at farmers markets, if any vendors have them to sell.
The mushrooms are often eaten on their own, sauteed in butter with a cracker or flour coating.
“I haven’t eaten a morel this year because I haven’t found enough to eat,” Abel said.
At our place it has been another bust year, 1 lousy 3 incher for us. Although I will likely look again this weekend one last time, I have never really had success finding them this late in May at our farm.

This is in Davis County FWIW. It seems like we either get them around April 25th, plus or minus a few days, or we don't get them.
Just turned on in the last few days here in NE Iowa. Found 9 pounds yesterday by 10 and my younger brother found a few pounds after school and some more today. Hoping we get some rain to prolong things.
Between my dad, step-mom, girlfriend and I, this year we've found roughly 600 morels.. last year I found 4... I'd say this year was waaaaay better than last year.. at least for us anyway.. Just depends what types of soils you mushroom hunt. All of ours were on sandy soil
A few friends and I found around 2 pounds yesterday here in Buchanan county. Grays and yellows. Not a good year at all
I went out yesterday and found a pound to fry and put on my steaks last night. Just starting up here in northern Minnesota. We have to moisture we need the heat.
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