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Muzzleloader fouling round?


Well-Known Member
I have noticed that my muzzleloader shoots differently when it is clean than it does after it ahs a round or two though it. How many of you shoot a fouling round before you go hunting?
i was watching a hunting show and they said to fire one round before you go hunting for the day. just to check your sights and over-all opperation of the gun. could be difficult in the dark, not to mention spooking the deer. i dont know either, just bought a muzzel loader myself. figured i give it a try.
I do not shoot anything before I go out hunting. I usually rub a wet patch or two then several dry patches in between each shot while sighting in so I hope I'm pretty close to where I want with a totally clean gun.
I used to fire a 209 through the Encore just to make sure I had all the solvent & grease out of it. Don't know if it really helped or not. Now I just have the Knight sighted in best for a cold clean bore shot. Mine doesn't shoot much different until it has really heated up by multiple shots.
This is part of the reason I bought a Savage ML10II. It shoots smokeless and you can leave it "fouled" without worrying about corroding the barrel. Sorry to sound like an ad for Savage, but I just couldn't be happier with this gun. Clean it once a season if you like.
I haven't noticed a difference in my gun, I can shoot it once or 10 times straight without swabbing and I will hit the same spot
sight it in with a clean barrel and hunt with a clean barrel. i've never dry fired a shot and have never had a problem.
I run two wet patches between each shot and always shoot a primer through it before I load it, especially when using it for hunting. It kind of ensures theres nothing in the breech plug.
Thanks guys, I am shooting a TC Encore using Pyrodex pellets. I do run a brush through when sighting in, and I have run wet and dry patches through when sighting in in the past, but I still noticed a difference between that and a completely clean gun. I don't like the idea of a fouling round, but I am thinking about trying it this year. I haven't done that in the past and I wonder how it has affected my shots. Good luck to all of you that still have tags.
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