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muzzleloader question


PMA Member
I shoot a knight MK-85 54 cal. muzzleloader and am having a tough time getting it sighted in accurately
, I want to get at least an 8 inch group at 100 yds, but nommatter how much adjusting I do
it seems to vary about 16 inches.I clean it about every 6 shots or so. I have a 3-9x40 tasco scope mounted on it and am shooting 250 grain sabots. I want to feel comfortable shooting deer at 100 yds and at this rate its not gonna happen
, was just wondering if ive got somethin messed up in my combination or if Im just shootin the wrong gun. Thanks for any help you can give me
The first thing I would do is pull the scope off and try shooting off a bench at 50 yds. with open sights. Swab the bore after each shot. Doing this will eliminate any chance that it could be a scope problem. Work up a load that will print at that distance, put the scope back on and see if the grouping stays the same.Let us know after you do this and we can go from there if needed. Good luck.
i have a mk-85 50 cal and did exactly what shovelbuck suggests. i started at 50 yards and have it dead on at 100 yards and can shoot 2 inch groups. try pulling the scope and getting closer to the target. also make sure you have a VERY solid benchrest.
Check your scope mounting for sure. I have a friend who was having the same problem with a centerfire rifle, and noticed that his vertical crosshair was getting out of it's true vertical position. Seem's his rings weren't as tight as they could have been allowing gun oil to get under them and the heavy recoil, ( a pretty hot 7mmm magnum handload)was knocking his scope out.A good cleaning of the rings and scope with a good tightening on the rings and he was back in business. This may not be your problem but it's something to consider. Good luck solving your problem!!
I don't have much faith in Tasco scopes, seen too many failures...but it may be your load. Many times cutting back on the powder charge will improve the groups. How many grains of powder are you using? Pyrodex?, 777?, Blackpowder?
I bought a tasco world class 3-9x40 for my gun and I started out ok, but not good grouping. I tried many different bullet types and powder charges. Nothing grouped too good. After 2 hunting seasons of shitty shots I couldn't even hit cardboard at 50 yards. Pulled the scope and put an old K4 Weaver on and wow what a difference. Now I have a Leupold 3-9x40 and Knight and wouldn't be happy with an 8 inch group at 100 yards. Should be 3 inches or under.

My guess is you got a scope like mine. I sent it back with a letter and they sent me a new one - only paid S&H which was much better than having a junk scope.
thanks for all the help so far, Im using two- 60 gr pyrodex pellets, I took some of your advice and went to 50 yards, I was able to make extremely tight groups at that yardage which leads me to believe its almost got to be the scope causing the problem. Unfortunately i ran out of light before i could retry at 100 yds again. If i decide to try a new scope, what would you guys suggest? thanks again for all your help.
i shoot a bushnell trophy 3-9x40 on my Inight Mk-85 and it shoots great. only cost $110.
Sounds to me it is your bullet or your powder not liking each other. Try 100 grains or even 90. Also try different bullets. If you are grouping at 50 good, I doubt it is the scope. I shoot 100 grains pyrodex and 240 grain Hornady XTP sabots - 50 cal. Think you said you shot a 54. Still 90-100 grains I don't think is too lite.

My favorite is the leupold. However for almost the same money as your Tasco buy a bushnell Trophy 3-9x40. I have one on a .243 and love it. Would have the same on my smokepole but dad had a spare Leupold around.
I'd try cutting back to 100 grains or maybe 110 and see what that does for the groups.

A general rule of thumb is that the optics run about the same as the gun. I use a Swarovski on my Knight, clarity and precision is top notch. But it's not for everyones pocketbook.

Scopes are going to fall into three price ranges, $100-200, $400-600, $700-up. You'll get what you pay for....Burris & Leupold are both good quality midrange scopes.
Yeah to 100 grains.If you can shoot with both eyes open try a trijicon dot.You can really pick up moving deer through about any type of brush.
Last December, I was sighting in my son's new Knight rifle, and was hoping to avoid buying a scope for awhile. Same thing happened at 50 yards. The Tasco scope I was using wouldn't hold zero at all. I finally called Cabela's and ordered a Pine Ridge 2 x 7 power scope ($69), and now it shoots awesome groups.
i've got the same as muddy and is a heck of a good scope for the money. clarity is great and it has good light gathering characteristics.

dang thats a big word
Ditto to CamoMan's post on the Pine Ridge scope from Cabela's. I've had mine on a 50 cal. Knight Disc rifle for 5 years and it has held its' zero extremely well. It is a great scope for the money. Deadeye is right...you shouldn't be happy with 8 inch groups at 100 yards if you get the right setup. Should be no more than 3 or 4 inch groups with a solid rest.
Brad, I'm betting with the majority that the scope can't handle the kick of a 54 cal. Personally I have a Simons on my 54 cal and its worked fine for many years. Any scope can go bad, so go with a company that has a lifetime waranty. For what it is worth, I've sent scopes into the manufacturer for repair to Leupold, BSA and Simons and they all fixed/replaced them. BSA and Simons sent me replacements in less than 2 weeks, while I had to send the Leupold in 3 times! I am not a Tasco fan, but if it isn't their bottom of the line model, it might be worth it for you to send it in?

I just bought the Omega and a leupold scope and T/C soild scope rings, and it payed of one day later I killed a doe and the biggest buck of my life in the same morning. It shoots 8" low a 200 yards not bad for a BP gun.
Here is my setup- Remington 700 MLS Magnum with a Leupold VX-II 3-9X40. One hole groups at 50 and sub 1 inch at 100.


I set my dad and brother up with some Bushnell Banner BP scopes and they have worked pretty well also.
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