Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

My Finished Buck



Here is my finished deer that I got this year. Thought you guys might want to see what it looked like when it was finished. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Jason your taxi. did some exellent work. Great looking deer as well and congrats.
And what about that deer in the backround in the second pic., hes a pig.
Very nice. Heck of a trophy room too. What's the mount in the clear box? It looks like a hand with a bottle feeding a ????
Thanks....That deer in the background is the replica of the world record eight pointer that my dad mounted several years ago.
Haha...thanks...The mount in the glass case is a baby pig drinking from a bottle.
Nice work... How do you get you deer back so guick from your taxidermist?? I always have to wait 10-12 months if not longer.....
Well my dad, Marlin Hoch, and I mounted my deer at Hoch's Taxidermy. We do taxidermy as a full time job so our turn around time is very reasonable. We try to keep the turn around time at 4-6 months maximum. Let me know if you want anymore information. I encourage you to come look at our showroom.
That's a good looking mount! I would be really happy if I were you on how that turned out!
That is great work,he look's really nice.
Love the goat in the backround,I hope someday to be hunting one,might be awhile though

That turned out great. Congrats on a job well done. By the tone of Todd's reply you must have talked him into mounting that other big un!
Haha....yeah we finally talked him into it. Its too big of a deer not to mount.
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