Well, I had good luck calling a coyote in this a.m. I went out to my Dad's land today to try my luck. It has been bitterly cold here for weeks and Don said it should be good calling as the extreme cold, coupled with their breeding season right now, usually works well. I have watched Don do it plently of times, so I thought I would give it a whirl by myself. I setup in a Double Bull blind in a field edge 50 yards from where I parked my truck, and began to call. I was using Primos's Randy Anderson series mouth calls. I started off with a coyote howl and then 5 minutes later, I went to an animal in distress call. 10 minutes later, this coyote appeared at 50 yds. I lip squeaked softly and he came in and stopped at 10 yds. I hit him with my muzzy broadhead and he ran off and fell over 15yds later. Cool as heck, I was shaking when it was all over. Don was impressed with me, to say the least, and jealous that he could'nt go because of his broken ankle as most of you know. I changed my hair back to it's natural color and apparantly it brought me good luck! Here are some pics.