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My first tower stand

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Lol, ok probably no good for hunting, but it sure is fun to look at! I got this 33' high, 6' diameter Aermotor Windmill at an auction. I dismantled it, took it down and brought it home. Gave it a new paintjob and some cleaning up and its now glimmering in the sun overlooking my koi ponds!
If you do decide to hunt out of it my only advice to you would be make sure not to get too high up when the wind is blowing! :grin:
One of the farmers whose land I hunt on had an old windmill very similar. He was ready to send it to the scrap heap. We talked about using the bottom two sections, enclosing the higher one, building up a floor and using it as a hunting blind. In the end, we thought it was probably easier to just build one from scratch, but I still think the idea is solid for someone with a little imagination.

I got this windmill from a farm over next to the Rock Island Preserve behind Xavier Highschool. The farm is getting bull-dozed to make way for the Highway 100 bypass.

Here is what the windmill looked like before I took it down. While we were working on it there was a doe and 2 fawns just walking around eating left over oats from a pen that had previously contained goats.

I work on wind turbines for a living, and have an interest in older windmills. I have been observing Aermotor windmills for quite some time and will say that yours is in the best condition I have ever seen. Normally they always are all shot up and have vanes missing. Nice find
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