Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

My Muzzy Buck from NJ


New Member
Well guys my brother posting a post back in Sept. called "FINALLY". That was the first time I bow hunted for a buck were named "Eyeguard". After harvesting him I thought things couldn't get better? Well this afternoon they did in a huge way. Another buck we named "Mass Rack" showed himself at 2:30pm and I watch him sneak up a creek bottom for a hour.. At 3:45pm he stepped out at 91yrds and I touch the omega off and planted him in his tracks.. Amazingly back in early Oct. my 14yr old nephew him with the bow.. the last 2 weeks he reappeared..This was my second time hunting my brothers 8 acres..

My Eyeguard Bow Kill
Beauty /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif Great coloring on that second one. Congrats on a great year!
AWESOME, I am impressed because I have heard how rare a big buck in is NJ- great bucks anywhere BUT incredible where you are at AND off 8 acres?!?!?! wow
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