My son Matt got a nice 8 point buck saturday night. The property we hunted is only a 5 acre piece of timber with 80 acres of crops. Doesn't take deer long to figure you out. He sat in a stand on the edge of a cut beanfield and i was in the timber. I only saw 3 small bucks and a coyote after it got too dark to shoot. Matt saw all kinds of deer from his stand and shot this 9 pointer right before dark. He's had some questionable shots this year so we decided to wait until morning to look for it. It only went 80 yards down the edge of the field and 15 yards into the timber before it died. Found it first thing this morning. He thought he made a good shot but turns out he shot it in the neck. Still worked out. Bad thing was the meat was spoiled. He said it looked green when they were grinding it up. Didn't smell bad. It got cold enough last night but the deer was still warm the next morning when gutting it. Coyotes ate the butt out of it overnight. Not too bad though. It had broken one of it's tines in the last 3 weeks too.