Ive been hunting the same spot four 4 or 5 years. I knew the land owner would let others hunt if they asked but just never had anyone else ask ( I kept that a secret). Last year 2 others who didn't have any respect for me put up a stands 15 yards from mine, drove right up to the trees when I was hunting,never worried about scent or wind, and alot of other bs. I finally got so pissed I hunted a different spot, thats another story. Its a small piece of trees that sets up against an awesome piesce of land that holds piles of deer. The property Ive been hunting is getting a major face lift and will be alot more difficult to hunt. So today I called the land owner to see about hunting this fall. I kinda let him know how the hunting got all screwed up last year and it just doesn't work with all the traffic in and out and he understood. He said that from now on he wasn't going to let anyone else hunt. Im so excited! Ive never had a spot where I didn't have to worry about other hunters. I cant wait. Last year I spent 2 months making trails and staying scentfree to have it all wasted by others who don't care.
I spent most of the day doing the Muddy dance
I spent most of the day doing the Muddy dance