What's up with Myles Keller,being in the new Muzzy adds?Some of their latest adds in hunting magazines portray several pro hunters along with Myles.If I recall correctly,didn't Rocket Aerohead run adds with Myles as their National Spokesman a couple of years ago?Remember the add where they did the brick test with Muzzy and Ultimate Steel broadheads?And Myles is featured in the add saying "Your Right,Bad".I don't think these companies are affiliated in any way,or are they?If their not affiliated,or bought out by Muzzy,I think I would kind of lose some respect for Muzzy.Why would Muzzy stoop this low to have Myles in an add after he slammed Muzzy?I know Myles will follow his nose for the big bucks$$,and promote anything.But what's the deal with Muzzy doing this?