Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

NE Iowa

MN Hunter

Active Member
Have been hunting both in SE MN and NE Iowa and the gnats in NE IOwa have been absolutely horrible. Even in the strong winds, doesn't seem to phase them. Anyone else having similiar problems? If so what are you doing about it...
Had a bunch of those pesky buggers around me yesterday. Not bad tasting. Kinda like sour sweetarts.........
The gnats ate me for supper last night....I really don't ever remember dealing with these late in October....
They had me so pissed off last night..in my ears,eyes /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.giflets see them hang on in this wind and snow fluries today rotten little buggers.
Bet you won't have to worry about them after tonight and tomorrow night. Low tonight supposed to be 25, and tomorrow night 18. Hope everyone has their furnace working.
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