Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Need a favor


Hey guys, I've been looking for a long time, but this is my first post. I'm not even sure if anyone is interested in what deer look like in Oklahoma, but I've got a few pictures I'm curious about. Can anyone tell me how to attach pictures to a post? I've registered, but I'm still not allowed to post attachments for some reason. Thanks.
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Welcome to the site.
To attach pics they first need to be on a host site. You can create an album here or probably the most popular is Photobucket.
If you use Photobucket, just copy the photos "Img" code and paste directly into your post.
If you creat an album here, open the pic, right click and a window opens. Click on "properties" then copy location. Come back to your post and click on the little yellow box that looks like it has a mountain in it. Paste the copied location in the box that opens.

And you bet, we'd like to see your Oklahoma bucks!
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