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Need a guess


Life Member
Does any one have a guess on what gauge shotgun and what caliber ML is used more? Is it about 75% 12ga 20% 20ga and 5% 10/16ga. and about 75% 50cal and 20% 45cal and 5% "other"?

The info is something I can actually use on the job so I can justify to my boss why I'm on here all the time.

The 'Bonker
This is only a guess as you requested Bonker.......but I would say the shotgun numbers are more like 90% 12, 8% 20, and 2% 16/10. Like I said, this is just a guess, but everyone I know uses a 12.....I'm guessing around 1 in 10 uses a 20 gauge, especially since the start of the youth seasons. I threw in the 2 percent for the 16, even though I don't know of anyone who uses one anymore.
No offense to anyone who does though, I used to own one myself.
Nothing wrong with a 20 guage for deer hunting. I'm still using my 30+ year old Mossberg 500 (Coast to Coast model). It's still downing deer, so why move to a 12? Shoot whatever you are comfortable with. I figure, Why switch and risk an unfamiliar shot?

To each his own. This is just my .02 cents on 20 guages. Plus my Dad bought this gun new, so Tradition plays some into my use of it.
Thanks for the guesses. I'm not looking to change gauges or calibers. I'll post tonight why I asked the question. Any more imput is welcome.

Pharmer, all of our current pilots have seen combat. Three in Veit Nam and one in Desert Storm 1. Belive me, they all know exactly how much altittude they need to be out of ground fire range. You can tell the difference between a pilot who has been in combat and one who has not. Almost night and day. One of the good things that will result in the current version of Desert Storm is there will be, at some point in time, an influx of high time combat veteran helicopter pilots for EMS. God bless 'em.

The 'Bonker
Every single person i know uses a .50 cal ML. As far as shotguns go, we have about 15 people in our group and about half use 20 ga. half 12 ga. the teenagers are using the 12's and us "older fellows" have switched back to 20's as they lighter and produce less drop on longer shots. my 2 cents...
Thanks for the guesses.

As promised I'll tell you why I asked.

Unfortunately my job requires the transport of deer hunters who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. One of the important facts to know is the gauge or caliber of the firearm the offending hunter was using. Sometimes that information is not readily available. To that end, if I had a clue on the ratios of gagues and calibers I could make an educated guess on "leatheality". I used to judge by the size of the hole, but with the increase in use of sabots in both shotgun and ML that has kinda gone by the wayside. As it stands now I'll opt for 12 gauge and 50 caliber.

Lets be careful out there. I don't need anymore rocks in my bucket.

The 'Bonker
I spent the better part of the week sitting next to a chopper pilot-Viet Nam, I showed him your post. He smiled and said 1500 ft was effective for small arms but 50 caliber still looked liked orange golf balls at that height. He's one of the sharpest guys I know.
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